EDBF правила




European Dodgeball Rules

European Dodgeball Federation

European Dodgeball Federation


European Dodgeball Federation 


Rules & Regulations

Version 4.2.2

Official Court Diagram                                                                                                                                                                                               4

Rule 1 – The Playing Area                                                                                                                                                                                          5

Section 1. The Court                                                                                                                                                                                                    5

Section 2. Court Layout                                                                                                                                                                                               5

Rule 2 – Equipment                                                                                                                                                                                                     5

Section 1. The Official Dodgeball                                                                                                                                                                             5

Section 2. Uniforms and Protective Equipment                                                                                                                                                     5

Section 3. Uniform Guide                                                                                                                                                                                           6

Section 4. All Equipment                                                                                                                                                                                            7

Section 5. Exterior Substances                                                                                                                                                                                  7

Rule 3 – Players, Coaches, Retrievers & Substitutes                                                                                                                                       7

Section 0. Discipline                                                                                                                                                                                                    7

Section 1. Players                                                                                                                                                                                                        7

Section 2. Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Manager                                                                                                                                                7

Section 3. Line-up Cards                                                                                                                                                                                            8

Section 4. Substitutions                                                                                                                                                                                               8

Section 5. Short-Handed Rule                                                                                                                                                                                   8

Section 6. Ineligible Players                                                                                                                                                                                       8

Section 7. Ejected Player/Team Penalty/Penalty Set                                                                                                                                            9

Section 8. Retrievers                                                                                                                                                                                                    9

Section 9. Spectator Interference                                                                                                                                                                           10

RULE 4 – THE MATCH                                                                                                                                                                                              10

Section 1. Approved Style of Play                                                                                                                                                                          10

Section 2. Home Team                                                                                                                                                                                             10

Section 3. Bench Conduct                                                                                                                                                                                        10

Section 4. Fitness of the Court                                                                                                                                                                                10

Section 5. Regulation Match and Game Type                                                                                                                                                      10

Section 6. Forfeited Match and Forfeited Set                                                                                                                                                       11

RULE 5 – STARTING THE GAME                                                                                                                                                                           12

Section 1. Beginning Play                                                                                                                                                                                        12

Section 2. The Rush                                                                                                                                                                                                  13

Section 3. Putting the ball in play during the Rush                                                                                                                                              13

Section 4.Time Outs and Suspension of Play                                                                                                                                                      13

Section 5. Re-setting or Resuming Play                                                                                                                                                                14

RULE 6 – EXITING PLAYERS                                                                                                                                                                                  14

Section 1 Exiting Players                                                                                                                                                                                          14

Section 2 Player Interference                                                                                                                                                                                  14

RULE 7 – RETURNING PLAYERS                                                                                                                                                                         14

Section 1. Returning Players                                                                                                                                                                                   14

Section 2. Returning Order                                                                                                                                                                                       15

RULE 8 – OFFENSIVE AND DEFENSIVE PLAY                                                                                                                                                  15

Section 1. Attempts                                                                                                                                                                                                    15

Section 2. Outs                                                                                                                                                                                                           15

Section 3. Catches                                                                                                                                                                                                     15

Section 4. Blocking                                                                                                                                                                                                    16

Section 5. No Stalling Rule                                                                                                                                                                                      16

Section 6. Pinching                                                                                                                                                                                                    17

RULE 9 – OUT OF BOUNDS                                                                                                                                                                                    17

Section 1 Out Of Bounds                                                                                                                                                                                          17

RULE 10 – NEUTRAL ZONE                                                                                                                                                                                    18

Section 1 Neutral Zone                                                                                                                                                                                             18

RULE 11 – SIMULTANEOUS PLAY                                                                                                                                                                        18

Section 1. Simultaneous Play                                                                                                                                                                                 18

Section 2. Simultaneous Hit and Catch                                                                                                                                                                 18

RULE 12 – SACRIFICE PLAY                                                                                                                                                                                  18

Section 1. Sacrifice Play                                                                                                                                                                                           18

RULE 13 – HEAD SHOTS                                                                                                                                                                                         19

Section 1 Head Shots                                                                                                                                                                                               19

RULE 14 – INJURED PLAYER/BLOOD                                                                                                                                                                19

Section 1. Injured Player                                                                                                                                                                                          19

Section 2. Blood Rule                                                                                                                                                                                                19

RULE 15 – PROTESTS                                                                                                                                                                                             19

Section 1. Invalid Protests                                                                                                                                                                                        19

Section 2. Valid Protests                                                                                                                                                                                           20

Section 3. Verbal Protest                                                                                                                                                                                          20

RULE 16 – OFFICIALS                                                                                                                                                                                              20

Section 1. Power and Duties                                                                                                                                                                                   20

Section 2. Officials Crew                                                                                                                                                                                          21

Section 3. Responsibilities of a Single Official                                                                                                                                                    21

Section 4. Official’s Court Positions                                                                                                                                                                       21

Section 5. Change of Official                                                                                                                                                                                  21

Section 6. Official’s Judgment                                                                                                                                                                                22

Section 7. Official Interference                                                                                                                                                                                22

Section 8. Official’s Uniform                                                                                                                                                                                    22

Section 9. Guideline for Officials                                                                                                                                                                            22

Section 10. Match Officials Positioning Diagram                                                                                                                                                23

RULE 17 – CODE OF CONDUCT                                                                                                                                                                           24

Section 1. EDBF Code of Conduct for Players:                                                                                                                                                   24

Section 2. The Honour System:                                                                                                                                                                              24

Section 3. Code of Conduct for Officials                                                                                                                                                               24

RULE 18 – VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES                                                                                                                                                          24

Section 1. Penalty Set                                                                                                                                                                                               24

Section 2. Yellow Card                                                                                                                                                                                              25

Section 3. Red Card                                                                                                                                                                                                  25

Section 4. Unsportsmanlike Conduct                                                                                                                                                                    25

RULE 19 – MEDIA                                                                                                                                                                                                      26

Section 1. MEDIA       26

Official Court Diagram

Rule 1 – The Playing Area

Section 1. The Court

  1. The court is the area within which the balls may be legally played and ​PLAYERS​ can be ​HIT​ or make a ​CATCH​.
  2. There shall be a clear and unobstructed area between the back lines & side lines and any walls, nets or barriers beyond the court boundaries.
  3. An ​OFFICIAL​ shall inspect the court for suitability for play prior to the start of the ​MATCH​.


Section 2. Court Layout

  1. The official dimensions for a regulation court are as follows:
  2. The Court is 17 metres  in length and 8 metres wide.
    1. The ​CENTRE LINE​ is marked across the court at exactly half way between each ​BACK LINE ​and should continue for 1 meter outside of the court lines to indicate where a RETRIEVER​ ​ can retrieve balls from before they have passed this line, should a ​RETRIEVER​ collect a ball that has passed this line the MATCH OFFICIAL​ will instruct that the ball be returned to the opposing teams back court area.
    2. The ​NEUTRAL ZONE​ will be marked 3 metres, wide with lines which are 1.5 metres yards either side of the ​CENTRE LINE​.
    3. An ​ATTACK LINE​ will be marked across the court 3 metres from each ​BACK LINE​.
    4. FAIR TERRITORY​ is the area between the ​BACK LINE​ and beginning of the ​NEUTRAL ZONE.
  3. At least 1 metre should be allotted for an out of bound area, allowing officials to move freely along the side lines.
  4. The ​QUEUE​ for each team is a 1 meter X 4 meters area, and should be located at least 1 meter from the side line, leaving enough room for officials to move freely along the side of the court. It will be marked out from a point which is level with the ​BACK LINE​, running parallel with the side line.
  5. The ​COACHING AREA ​for each ​TEAM​ is a 1 meter X 5.5 meters area, and should be located behind the ​QUEUE The ​SUBSTITUTES AREA​ for each ​TEAM​ is a 1 meter X 5.5 meters area, and should be located behind the COACHING AREA​.
  6. When used, ball tees shall be made of a soft rubber or a non-slip material, measuring 3″ in diameter large enough to hold a EDBF Dodgeball in position.
  7. The court should have four enclosed walls or barriers, wherever possible, with netting, or some type of solid barrier to prevent balls from exiting the court.
  8. Ceilings should be least 4 metres yards high whenever possible.
  9. Every effort should be made to obtain the correct dimensions. However court size may be adjusted to best suit the available space.
  10. Wherever possible courts will have a wall or solid barrier 1 meter behind the back line.
  11. Ball Placement: Five balls are placed in the ​NEUTRAL ZONE​ on the ​CENTRE LINE​. The balls shall be placed an equal distance from each other.
  12. The ​MATCH​ ​OFFICIAL​ can mark the ​CENTRE LINE​ to show the placement of dodgeballs at the start of each SET​ ​. Starting at 1 m with 1.5 m intervals (1 m, 2.5 m, 4 m, 5.5 m, 7 m)


Rule 2 – Equipment

Section 1. The Official Dodgeball

  1. All EDBF sanctioned events must use EDBF approved balls.
  2. EDBF sanctioned dodgeballs can be designed in any way appropriate with designs and sponsor’s logo’s as approved and deemed acceptable by EDBF.
  3. Balls used in EDBF regulation play must, in the sole opinion and discretion of the official, be appropriate for ​MATCH
  4. Approved dodgeballs will be made of a butyl bladder, covered by webbing and a textured no-sting cloth covering which has a 2 mm layer of foam directly underneath it.
  5. Approved dodgeballs shall be 7 inches/17.78cm. in diameter when measured across the width of the inflated ball.
  6. The ball pressure should be set at 1.6-1.8 psi (pounds per square inch) or 0.110-0.125 bars.


Section 2. Uniforms and Protective Equipment

  1. Uniforms and protective equipment are considered part of the ​PLAYER​. Any ​PLAYER​ ​HIT​ on any part of their uniform or protective equipment will be considered ​OUT​.
  2. Uniforms must be worn by each team ​PLAYER​.
  3. Uniforms must be similar in colour and graphic style, sleeves may be of differing lengths. The uniform should display the team name along with a visible number unique to each ​PLAYER​. ​TEAM​ logos can also be displayed on uniforms.
    1. A ​PLAYER​ must maintain the same unique number throughout a competition i.e. A ​PLAYER ​can be registered for both the mixed and gender competitions under two different numbers providing the numbers used remain unique within each team.
  4. Sponsor’s names and logos must be approved by EDBF before they can be displayed on a team uniform at EDBF events.
  5. Offensive and/or otherwise obscene and discriminatory graphics and text will not be allowed.
  6. A ​PLAYER​ will not be penalised for a uniform miss-match as result of the blood rule or should their uniform become damaged in the course of a game.
  7. All protective equipment must be worn correctly and be in working condition.
  8. An ​OFFICIAL​ may at any time request a ​PLAYER​ to change uniform, require an adjustment, or removal of any equipment, including jewellery, watches/timing devices.
    1. If such equipment poses a significant risk to safety or is in violation of EDBF rules, the PLAYER​ ​ will be instructed to remove the items which pose the risk.
    2. Should a ​PLAYER​ refuse, they will not be allowed to play.
    3. Medical alert bracelets and necklaces are exempt from this ruling but should be taped for safety if possible injury could occur.
    1. Headbands and protective helmets are the only optional headgear for ​PLAYERS​.
    2. Ball caps, visors, and other head coverings are not allowed in tournament play. Bandannas do not qualify as headbands and cannot be worn around the head, neck, or wrist/arm.
  9. Cast/Prostheses.
    1. Prostheses may be worn. All casts, braces, and splints with exposed hard surfaces must be padded.
    2. No ​PLAYER​ will be allowed to play should an ​OFFICIAL​ determine their equipment poses a significant risk to the safety of other players, or which changes the fundamental nature of the game or enhance the ability of a ​PLAYER such as to give them an advantage.
    1. Gloves may not be worn.
    2. The only exceptions shall be when a ​PLAYER​ can prove there is a medical or health requirement for them to wear a glove or hand covering. If a glove or gloves are allowed for medical reasons they must not be able to enhance the ability of a ​PLAYER​ to play the game.
    1. Exposed jewellery, if judged by an ​OFFICIAL​ to be dangerous, must be removed and may not be worn during the game.
    2. Medical alert bracelets/necklaces are not considered jewellery. If worn, they must be secured to the body so the medical alert information remains visible.
    3. If a ​PLAYER​ wears jewellery which is not noticed by an ​OFFICIAL​ and the item causes injury to the ​PLAYER wearing the jewellery or to another ​PLAYER​, on either team, the ​PLAYER​ wearing the jewellery will be held fully responsible for all personal injury caused by not following rules.
    1. Goggles may be worn.
    2. Eye glasses should be secured with head straps.
    1. Must be worn at all times.
    2. All shoes must be made of canvas, leather, or similar material and possess a rubber non-marking sole.
    3. An ​OFFICIAL​ may deem any footwear unsafe at their discretion. A ​PLAYER​ will only be allowed to play with footwear deemed safe.


Section 3. Uniform Guide

Uniform or equipment which affects the safety of all participants, ​OFFICIALS​, and spectators.

  1. No uniform or equipment will be allowed which is deemed dangerous or harmful to the wearer or to other ​PLAYERS​.
  2. No equipment or uniform item will be allowed which significantly enhances ​PLAYER​ performance beyond the normal limits of individual skill.
    1. An Arabic whole number (0-99) of contrasting colour, at least 6 inches (15.24cm) high must be worn and be visible on the back of all uniform shirts.
    2. No ​PLAYER​ on the same ​TEAM​ may wear identical numbers. (Numbers 0 and 00 or 3 and 03 are examples of identical numbers.)A PLAYER​ ​ without a number will not be permitted to play.
    3. PLAYERS​ with the same number will not be permitted to play.
    4. PLAYERS​ not wearing the number they were registered in the competition will not be permitted to play.
    5. A ​PLAYER​ instructed to replace their shirt due to ​BLOOD INJURY​ occurring earlier in the days play will be exempt from this rule for the remainder of that days competition only.
    1. All ​TEAM​ members must wear shirts that display unique ​PLAYER​ numbers and are similar in colour and graphic style, sleeve lengths may vary.
    2. Visible undershirts may be either long or short sleeved, no restrictions on colours or style apply. No ​PLAYER​ may wear ragged, frayed, cut off, or slit uniform items.
  3. Shorts/Leggings.
    1. TEAMS​ may choose to wear sport pants/leggings or shorts as long as they are alike in colour and style for all members of the TEAM​ ​ that are wearing them.
    2. No ​PLAYER​ may wear ragged, frayed or slit legs on exposed pants or leggings.
    3. Female ​PLAYERS​ may choose alternative ​TEAM​ wear to shorts such as sport pants, skorts, sports skirts, sports dresses, leggings as long as all female members of the ​TEAM​ are wearing the same style of apparel. Black is an alternative acceptable lower apparel colour to the ​TEAMS​ base colour. .
    4. PLAYERS​ can wear visible sports base layer garments underneath the required uniform clothing. No PLAYER​ ​ may wear ragged, frayed, cut off, or slit uniform items.


Section 4. All Equipment

  1. The EDBF reserves the right to withhold or withdraw approval of any equipment which in the sole determination of the EDBF, significantly changes the character of the game.


Section 5. Exterior Substances

  1. Substances applied to the exterior of team uniform or onto the skin of a ​PLAYER​ which enhance the ability to throw or to catch are not allowed.
  2. Substances applied to the exterior of ​PLAYERS​ skin, which are applied for medical reasons are allowed, but they must be covered by a dressing which is not in breach of Rule 2. Section 2 – 11.2
  3. Substances applied to aid a ​PLAYER​ injury, such as a heat spray or cold spray, are allowed to be applied.


Rule 3 – Players, Coaches, Retrievers & Substitutes

Section 0. Discipline

  1. PLAYERS, SUBSTITUTES, RETRIEVERS, COACHES, MANAGERS​ and any assistants are subject to the authority of the MATCH OFFICIALS​ at all times, any situations between the TEAMS​ ​ representatives involved in the MATCH​ ​ occurring 5 minutes before or after a ​MATCH​ will be considered as part of that ​MATCH​ and appropriate actions will be applied as though they occurred during the ​MATCH​.


Section 1. Players

Teams​ consist of 6 ​PLAYERS​ with up to 6 ​SUBSTITUTES​. All ​PLAYERS​ must be in uniform with their name and numbers listed on the line up sheet. ​PLAYERS​ cannot be added after the ​MATCH​ has begun.

  1. A team can consist of no more than 12 ​​A ​PLAYER​ may only participate in a tournament they have registered for.
  2. Mixed teams must field a team consisting of both genders but no more than 3 ​PLAYERS​ of a single gender may be on court at anytime.Open Category competition teams may consist of either gender. Any ratio of men and women may participate, including all male and all female teams.


Section 2. Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Manager

  1. The ​COACH, ASSISTANT COACH​ or ​MANAGER​ is a person who is responsible for the ​TEAMS​ actions on the court and will represent the team in communication with the ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ and opposing team.
  2. A ​PLAYER​ may be designated as a ​COACH​. In the event the ​COACH,ASSISTANT​ ​COACH​ or ​MANAGER​ is absent or that PLAYER is acting as a PLAYERCOACH. In the absence of a COACH​ or PLAYER​ ​-COACH​ ​ the TEAM CAPTAIN​ ​ will represent their team. ​COACHES​ must be neatly attired or dressed in the ​TEAM
  3. In championship play, ​COACHES​ shall not display the names and/or logos of any other dodgeball associations on their uniform, other than the logo of their National Governing Body.
  4. COACHES​ may not use language that will reflect negatively upon ​PLAYERS​, ​OFFICIALS​ or spectators.
  5. A ​COACH​ may address only their team members and the ​OFFICIALS​ when they are making a genuine appeal of incorrect procedure.
  6. A ​COACH, ASSISTANT COACH, MANAGER ​must remain in the ​COACHING AREA​ for their ​TEAM​, which is marked out at the side of the court behind the ​QUEUE​. They must not enter the court without justification from an ​OFFICIAL​.
  7. COACHES, ASSISTANT COACHES, MANAGER​ are subject to all rules of conduct.


Section 3. Line-up Cards

  1. A ​LINE-UP CARD​ must be completed and submitted to the ​COMPETITION CO-ORDINATOR​ or to a ​HEAD REFEREE​ before their team’s first ​SET​ of a ​MATCH​.
  2. A ​LINE-UP CARD​ cannot be changed once the ​MATCH​ has begun.
  3. PLAYERS​ shall be official once the ​LINE-UP CARD​ is inspected and approved by the ​HEAD REFEREE​,​COACH​, ​TEAM MANAGER​, or representative at the pre-match meeting.
  4. The ​LINE-UP CARD​ shall contain
  5. PLAYERS​ section. The first name, last name, and uniform number of each ​PLAYER​ including ​SUBSTITUTES​. If an incorrect number is written on the LINE-UP CARD​ ​, an OFFICIAL​ ​ may correct it, and allow a TEAM​ ​ to continue playing with no penalty.
    1. Except in the case of a ​BLOOD INJURY​ a ​PLAYER​ will not be allowed to play unless wearing the correct registered numbered shirt.
    2. COACHES
    3. The first name, last name of anyone the ​TEAM​ designate to be allowed in the ​COACHING AREA​.
    4. Only a ​PLAYER​ listed on the LINE-UP CARD​ ​ or a person named under this section.on the submitted LINE-UP CARD will be allowed in the COACHING AREA​.
      1. The first name, last name of each ​RETRIEVER​ that is not included as a ​
      2. Only a ​PLAYER​ listed on the ​LINE-UP CARD​ or a person named under this section.on the submitted LINE-UP CARD ​will be allowed to act as a ​RETRIEVER​.


Section 4. Substitutions

  1. Substitutions must be made prior to the start of a ​SET​. No substitutions can be made during a ​SET​, except in cases of injury.
  2. Should a ​PLAYER​ become injured that PLAYER​ ​ is replaced by the next available PLAYER​ ​ in the QUEUE​ ​. A SUBSTITUTE​ ​ will come into the ​MATCH​ by taking the last place in the ​QUEUE​; the ​SUBSTITUTE​ will join the ​QUEUE​ immediately from the bench.
  3. In a Mixed Team ​MATCH​, the ​SUBSTITUTE​ ​PLAYER​ must be of the same gender and in ​QUEUE​ If there are no other same gender ​PLAYERS​, that team will play ​SHORT-HANDED​.
  4. If a ​SUBSTITUTE​ is discovered to be an ineligible ​PLAYER​, that ​PLAYER​ must be replaced immediately by an eligible PLAYER​.


Section 5. Short-Handed Rule

  1. Starting a game.
  2. A team may begin a ​SET​ one or two ​PLAYERS​ short.
  3. Under no circumstances shall a team be permitted to start a game with less than 4 ​PLAYERS​.
    1. The ​TEAM​ will ​FORFEIT​ a ​SET ​every 20 seconds until they are able to field 4 ​
      1. MATCH OFFICIALS ​will time each 20 seconds ​RESET​ until the ​TEAM​ is able to start with the required 4 PLAYERS​.
      2. Should less than 20 seconds of a half remain all timers will run until the end of the half and the ​TEAM​ will FORFEIT​ another ​SET​.
    2. Games in progress.
      1. A ​SUBSTITUTE​ may not enter a ​SET​ in progress until the start of a new ​SET​, except in the case of an injury.
      2. Should a ​PLAYER​ listed on the roster arrive late and is of the proper gender, they may enter the line-up at the start of the next SET​ ​.
      3. Any ​PLAYER​ removed on a ​YELLOW CARD​ offence (see Rule 3 Section 7​) must remain in the PENALTY BOX​ until 5 minutes of ​MATCH​ play has completed.
      4. Any ​PLAYER​ removed for a ​PENALTY SET​ offence (see Rule 3 Section 7.6) must remain in the ​PENALTY BOX until the end of the following ​SET​.of the ​MATCH​ in progress.
        1. If as a result of a ​PENALTY SET​ a ​TEAM​ is left ​SHORT-HANDED​ the set will be forfeited and the ​PLAYER PENALTY SET​ will be considered completed.


Section 6. Ineligible Players

    1. A ​PLAYER​ who is not part of the Official ​TEAM​ roster for the competition.
    2. A ​PLAYER​ not listed on the ​LINE-UP CARD​.
    3. A ​PLAYER​ not wearing a shirt with their correct registered number for the competition
    4. A ​PLAYER​ which has received a ​RED CARD​ within the competition the ​MATCH​ is for i.e. a ​RED CARD​ within the mixed competition would not prevent a ​PLAYER​ from participating in their gender competition and vice versa.
  2. A ​PLAYER​ will not violate the ​INELIGIBLE PLAYER​ rule until the RUSH​ ​ or a ball has been thrown.
  3. If the ​PLAYER​ is deemed ineligible the ​OFFICIAL​ will:
    1. Remove the ​INELIGIBLE PLAYER​ from the court.
    2. The offending team will continue to play without the ​INELIGIBLE PLAYER​ being replaced for the remainder of the MATCH​e, a ​TEAM​ with 2 ​PLAYERS​ that are ​INELIGIBLE​ would be allowed to continue with 4 ​PLAYERS​ only for the remainder of the ​MATCH​.


Section 7. Ejected Player/Team Penalty/Penalty Set

(​YELLOW CARD​ Offence)

  1. An ​EJECTED PLAYER​ is restricted to the ​PENALTY BOX​ for 5 minutes of live play. The 5 minutes can take place across the half time break. The time in the ​PENALTY BOX​ will be paused during half time or if there is an injury ​TIMEOUT​.
  2. An ejected ​COACH​ must remove them self from the playing area and remain outside the barriers and/or nets which enclose the court, for the rest of the day’s play.
  3. Should an act be determined to be flagrant, aggressive or abusive the ​PLAYER​ or ​COACH​ may be required to leave the venue or the event. The offending PLAYER​ ​ or COACH​ ​ will be recorded as receiving a RED CARD​ ​ by the MATCH​ ​ OFFICIAL​ or tournament ​OFFICIALS​.
  4. Any ​EJECTED PLAYER​ discovered participating in the game will constitute a ​FORFEIT​.
    1. A ​TEAM​ receiving a ​TEAM PENALTY​ will lose a starting ​PLAYER​ for all ​MATCHES​ within that 5 minute period.
      1. The 5 minute period will be timed by the ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ and will begin from the starting whistle of the TEAMS​ next ​
        1. If the ​TEAM PENALTY​ occurs in the final ​SET​ of a ​MATCH​ half or of a MATCH​ ​ it will begin from the 1st ​SET​ of the next ​MATCH​ half or ​MATCH​.
        2. A ​TEAM PENALTY​ Timer will be paused during half time and between MATCHES​ ​.
      2. Once the TEAM PENALTY​ ​ timer has expired the amount of starting ​PLAYERS​ can increase.by 1 up to the maximum of 6.
        1. The ​TEAM PENALTY​ timer must have expired before the ​MATCH​ ​OFFICIALS​ call the ​TEAMS​ to line up for the next SET​ ​ in order for the starting number of PLAYERS​ ​ in the TEAM​ ​ to be increased.
        1. MATCH OFFICIALS ​may choose to award ​PLAYERS ​a ​PLAYER PENALTY SET.​ for behaviour that does not warrant a ​YELLOW CARD
        2. A ​PLAYER​ receiving a PLAYER PENALTY SET​ ​ must remain in the PENALTY BOX​ ​ for the remainder of the current SET​ and the following ​


Section 8. Retrievers

  1. A ​RETRIEVER​ is an individual designated to retrieve balls that go out of play. ​TEAMS​ are responsible for providing retrievers. There will normally be 2 ​RETRIEVERS​ provided by each ​TEAM​. Tournament OFFICIALS​ ​ will determine if more or fewer ​RETRIEVERS​ are required and they will inform ​TEAMS​ before the start of play.
    1. A ​RETRIEVER​ may not enter the court at any time.
    2. A ​RETRIEVER​ may not wear a jersey of the same colour as their ​TEAM
    3. A ​RETRIEVER​ is only allowed to field balls that are outside of the courts boundaries and have not passed the court’s half way line.
    4. Each team will designate ​RETRIEVERS​.
      1. Retrievers may be changed during the ​RESET​ between each ​
      2. RETRIEVERS​ can be ejected from play if they hoard dodgeballs which are needed in play.
      3. RETRIEVERS​ must put balls into play as soon as possible.
      4. When returning a ball to play a ​RETRIEVER​ may either toss a ball to any active ​PLAYER​ behind the TEAMS​ ​ATTACK LINE ​or place the ball on ​COURT​ behind the ​TEAMSATTACK LINE.
      5. Balls being returned from ​OUT OF BOUNDS​ must be returned to play by passing them onto the court behind their ​TEAMS​ ​ATTACK LINE​.
    5. For events not requiring ​RETRIEVERS​ the following rules apply:
      1. If there are ​PLAYERS​ in the ​QUEUE​:
      2. Active ​PLAYERS​ may not go ​OUT OF BOUNDS​ to retrieve balls.
      3. One ​PLAYER​ may leave the ​QUEUE​ to retrieve a ball ​OUT OF BOUNDS​.
      4. A ​PLAYER​ leaving the ​QUEUE​ to retrieve a ball is subject to all ​RETRIEVER​ rules and regulations.
      5. If there are no ​PLAYERS​ in the ​QUEUE​:
        1. One active ​PLAYER​ may go ​OUT OF BOUNDS​ to retrieve a ball.
        2. A ​PLAYER​ retrieving a ball must return promptly to their side of the court. Intentional delay will result in a penalty.
        3. A ​LIVE​ ​PLAYER​ leaving the court to retrieve a ball must leave the court behind their team’s ATTACK LINE.
        4. The ​PLAYER​ must raise their hand above their head to indicate they are leaving court to retrieve a ball. ii. The ​PLAYER​ remains a live target until they have made contact outside the playing area of the court. iii.      The retrieving ​PLAYER​ must come back into play by stepping back on to court over the back line.
        5. A ​LIVE​ ​PLAYER​ retrieving balls is subject to all retriever rules and regulations.
      6. A ​RETRIEVER​ may not
        1. Touch, move or interfere with a ball that is within the ​COURT ​boundaries​ ​either through direct contact with the ball or by deliberate use of a ball they have ​RETRIEVED​.
        2. Cause a ball to be transferred to the opposite ​TEAM​ through any means.
        3. Make contact with an opposition ​
      7. If a RETRIEVER​ ​ commits an infraction the ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ may apply the following actions in order of severity and occurrence.
      8. Choose to give a ​TEAM RETRIEVER​ warning depending on the nature of the infraction examples of which but not limited to are:
        1. Entering the court.
        2. Stalling Play
        3. Ask the opposing ​TEAM​ to choose the distribution of all balls examples of which but not limited to are:
        4. Intentional transfer of balls to the opposition ​FAIR TERRITORY
        5. Choose to give a ​YELLOW CARD or RED CARD ​depending on the nature of the infraction examples of which but not limited to are:
        6. Repeated occurrence of infractions
        7. UNSPORTSMANLIKE​ conduct


Section 9. Spectator Interference

  1. Spectators may return a ball to play that has gone ​OUT OF BOUNDS​ by giving it to an ​OFFICIAL​ or ​RETRIEVER​.



Section 1. Approved Style of Play

  1. There is currently one approved style of play that is sanctioned by the EDBF (​See Rule 4-Section 5​)


Section 2. Home Team

  1. The home team shall get first choice of court side.
  2. In absence of a home team, choice of sides shall be determined by a coin toss.


Section 3. Bench Conduct

  1. COACHES, ASSISTANT COACHES, MANAGERS, SUBSTITUTES​, ​PLAYERS​, ​ ​shall only be allowed in their designated area, personnel not taking part in live play, i.e., during a ​SET​, shall not be allowed inside the boundaries (barriers and/or nets) which designates the area of court play.
  2. Violation of point 1 can result in a ​TEAM FORFEIT​ of the ​SET​ being played.


Section 4. Fitness of the Court

  1. The ​OFFICIAL​ shall determine the fitness of the court prior to the start of the ​MATCH​.
  2. The court must fit EDBF standards and be free of slip or trip hazards.
  3. Over the course of the MATCH​ ​, should the court be become hazardous, the OFFICIAL​ ​ may call a TIMEOUT​ ​ to clear the hazard.
  4. A ​RESET​ will be called to resume play.


Section 5. Regulation Match and Game Type

  1. Match:
    1. A regulation ​MATCH​ will consist of two 15 minute halves, with a 5 minute half-time break.
    2. The 15 minutes for the each half will be a running clock, i.e.15 minutes without pausing.
      1. If less than 90 seconds remain of a ​MATCH​ half after a ​SET​ ends the ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ will announce that a ​FINAL SET​ will be played and the ​MATCH​ clock will be set for a ​FINAL SET​.
        1. All penalty timers will be paused when ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ announce the ​FINAL SET​ and will restart when the FINAL SET ​ ​begins and will be paused again when it ends.
        2. A ​FINAL SET​ will last a maximum of 90 seconds.
      2. In the event of any ​FALSE START​ the ​FINAL SET​ 90 seconds timer will be reset to the full ​FINAL SET​ time all other timers will continue to run.
      3. Should the ​SET​ be won through a total elimination before the 90 seconds timer expires no further ​SET​ will be played unless during knockout stages the final ​MATCH score is a draw then an ​OVERTIME SET​ will be played.
      4. The ​HEAD REFEREE​ or other ​MATCH​ ​OFFICIAL​ can halt play and call for a time out to stop the MATCH​ ​ timing when they deem this to be necessary. (​See point 6​)
      5. TEAMS​ will change ends at half-time.
    3. Sets:
      1. A ​MATCH​ will consist of an indeterminate number of ​SETS​.
      2. A ​SET​ is when 2 ​TEAMS​ line up behind the BACK LINE​ ​ to start play with 4 to 6 ​PLAYERS​ and they play until one TEAM​ is eliminated, or until the time for the ​SET
      3. A ​SET​ is played as an elimination game with a point awarded towards the ​MATCH​ score for the winning of each SET​.
      4. The maximum time allowed for each ​SET​ is 3 minutes of continuous play.
      5. If the ​REFEREE​ declares a ​SET​ ended due to 3 minutes of time being played, the winning ​TEAM​ for that SET​ ​ will be the ​TEAM​ with the most ​PLAYERS​, on court when the ​REFEREE​ has ended the ​SET​. If both ​TEAMS​ have an equal number of ​PLAYERS​, still in when time expires at the end of a ​SET​, it will be declared a draw and both teams receive 1 point towards the MATCH​ ​
      6. When a ​TEAM​ is eliminated, or the time expires, ​TEAMS​ will RESET​ ​ for the next period. ​TEAMS​ must ​RESET MATCH OFFICIALS​ ​ will allow 20 seconds for TEAMS​ ​ to RESET​ ​.
      7. Upon completion of a ​SET​ the winning TEAM​ ​ receives 2 points towards their ​MATCH​ score if a ​SET​ is drawn both TEAMS​ will be awarded 1 point.
    4. After the ​MATCH​ has been completed, the points are totalled to determine a winner. The team with the highest points total wins the ​MATCH​.
    5. A tie or drawn ​MATCH​ will remain as such in league tables and tournament group or pool rounds.Competitions will normally use the following scoring system:
      1. The points awarded from ​MATCH​ play towards a league table or group/pool in tournament play will normally be 3 points for a ​MATCH​ win and 1 point for a drawn ​MATCH​.
      2. In league and group/pool tables, round-robin competitions, the more points from ​MATCH​ play won by a team the higher they will be placed in the table.
      3. If 2 teams are tied on points in a table the number of ​MATCH​ wins will decide which team is placed higher.
        1. If this is equal, the team with the better ​SETS​ for and against difference will be placed higher.
        2. If they have won an equal number of ​MATCHES​ and ​SETS​ their head to head result(s) will be used to decide which team is the better placed.
        3. Failing all these tie-breaking methods a single ​SET​ will be played to determine which team is placed higher.
        1. In knockout tournament play, an ​OVERTIME SET​ is played at the end of a ​MATCH​ when both teams have won an equal number of ​SETS​ in the ​MATCH​. An additional ​OVERTIME SET
        2. If this is drawn at 3 minutes the ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ will call “Sudden Death!” and the first TEAM to eliminate an opposing ​PLAYER​ wins the ​MATCH​.
      5. An ​OFFICIAL​ is empowered to stop a ​MATCH​ at any time because of darkness, rain, fire, panic, or any other causes that place the patrons or ​PLAYERS​, in peril.
        1. A ​MATCH​ stopped by an ​OFFICIAL​ is deemed regulation if 3 or more ​SETS​ have been completed.
        2. If the ​MATCH​ is considered regulation, the team winning the majority of the ​SETS​ is declared the winner.
        3. Matches not considered regulation shall be resumed at the exact point where they were stopped.
        4. Stopped matches that result in a tie, may be resumed with a ​RESET​, consisting of the same number of ​PLAYERS​, at the point the ​SET​ was stopped.


Section 6. Forfeited Match and Forfeited Set

  1. A forfeited ​MATCH​ shall be declared by the ​OFFICIAL​ in favour of the ​TEAM​ not at fault in the following cases:
    1. If an ​OFFICIAL​ is physically attacked by any ​TEAM​ member and/or spectator.
    2. If a ​TEAM​ fails to appear on the court or is on the court but refuses to begin a MATCH​ ​ at the scheduled or assigned time.
    3. If a ​TEAM​ refuses to continue to play after the MATCH​ ​ has begun, unless the ​MATCH​ has been suspended or terminated by the ​OFFICIAL​.
    4. If, after the ​OFFICIAL​ has suspended play, one side fails to resume play within two minutes after the ​OFFICIAL signal to resume play.
    5. If a ​TEAM​ employs tactics noticeably designed to delay the game.
    6. If after a warning by an ​OFFICIAL​, any one of the rules of the game is wilfully violated.
    7. If the order for the ejection of a PLAYER​ ​, COACH​ ​ or TEAM MANAGER​ ​ is not obeyed.
    8. If the ejection of a ​PLAYER​ or ​PLAYERS​, from the game results in fewer than the required number of PLAYERS​ ​, to continue the game at the next ​SET​ meaning the ​TEAM​ is ​SHORT-HANDED ​after the​ MATCH OFFICIALS RESET
    9. The ​TEAM​ will ​FORFEIT​ a ​SET ​every 20 seconds until they are able to field 4 ​PLAYERS.
      1. MATCH OFFICIALS ​will time each 20 seconds ​RESET​ until the ​TEAM​ is able to start with the required 4 ​PLAYERS​.
      2. Should less than 20 seconds of a half remain all timers will run until the end of the half and the TEAM​ will ​FORFEIT​ another ​SET​.
      3. If an ​EJECTED PLAYER​ is discovered participating.
    10. If a ​PLAYER​ is injured or becomes ill, leaving the ​TEAM​ with less ​PLAYERS​, than the required number of PLAYERS​, for a full team.
    11. Once a ​MATCH​ has been forfeited, the ​FORFEIT​ cannot be changed.
  2. A forfeited ​SET​ will happen when a team is not on court to begin the first ​SET​ in a ​MATCH​ at the scheduled time and when the ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ and opposing team are present.
    1. The ​HEAD REFEREE​ will declare the first ​SET​ ​FORFEIT​ and then allow the team who has forfeited a maximum of 3 minutes to be ready for the second ​SET​ of the ​MATCH​.
    2. Should the team still not be present and/or ready to begin play they will forfeit the ​MATCH​.
    3. A ​FORFEIT​ ​SET​ can also occur when a team receives a ​TEAM​ ​YELLOW CARD​.
  3. Forfeit Scoring:
    1. A ​FORFEIT​ ​SET​ will award the one point for that ​SET​ to the non-offending team, towards their ​MATCH
    2. A ​MATCHFORFEIT​ ​ will result in the non-offending team being awarded the win for that ​MATCH​ by 20 points to nil (20-0).



Section 1. Beginning Play

  1. Play begins with all ​PLAYERS​ positioned behind their team’s ​BACK LINE​.
    1. PLAYERS​ cannot be over the ​BACK LINE​ or touch the ​BACK LINE​ until after the ​OFFICIALS​ have signalled the start of play.
  2. False Starts
    1. After the ​MATCH OFFICIALS ​call “Teams ready!”​ ​ the ​PLAYERS​ should remain stationary and not move forwards until the starting whistle if a ​PLAYER​ does move forward it will be considered a ​FALSE START.
    2. In the event of a ​FALSE START​ the offending ​TEAM​ will forfeit a ball to their opponents starting with the centre ball and the ​TEAMS are then RESET​.
      1. If both ​TEAMS​ ​FALSE START​ the ​TEAM​ which was deemed to have begun the ​FALSE START​ will be classed the offending ​TEAM​.
      2. If the ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ are unable to determine which ​TEAM​ initiated the ​FALSE START​ the ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ will RESET
      3. At the ​RESET​ the offending ​TEAM​ will only be allowed to have a maximum of 2 runners for the uncontested balls designated for their TEAM​ ​ if any remain.
      4. In the event of any additional ​FALSE START​ the balls are given to the other ​TEAM​ in the order of outside to inside, starting with the non-offending ​TEAMS​ balls first. Any balls given to the non-offending ​TEAM​ are deemed a ​LIVE BALL ​immediately upon the start of the ​SET​, as soon as the ​PLAYER​ in possession has fully stepped onto the court.


  1. The ​HEAD REFEREE​ or other designated Starter will address each ​TEAM​ with these instructions:
    1. “Line up!” to order teams to take their places.
    2. The ​OFFICIAL​ then states “Teams ready!” for the ​TEAMS​ to get into position to ​RUSH​.
    3. The ​OFFICIAL​ will pause for approximately 1 second and then blow a whistle to signal the start of the SET​.


Section 2. The Rush

  1. The ​RUSH​ occurs at the beginning of each ​SET​ or ​RESET​.
  2. Upon an OFFICIALS​ ​ signal, both TEAMS​ ​ RUSH​ ​ to centre court and attempt to retrieve the two balls to their left designated for their ​TEAM​ and the one ball in the centre (which is open to either ​TEAM​).
  3. A maximum of 3 ​PLAYERS​ per team are allowed to ​RUSH​ for the balls.
  4. A ​PLAYERS​ who are not Rushing for the balls, but who are waiting for the balls to be made ​LIVE​ must step onto the court at the start of the set.
    1. The non-rushing ​PLAYERS​ have until the rushers have reached the ​CENTRE LINE​ to step onto the court and enter the game.
    2. If a ​PLAYER​ has not stepped onto the court by the time the first rusher, from either team, has reached the balls on the centre line, that ​PLAYER​ will be called ​OUT​ for being off the court.
  5. When retrieving their 2 designated balls on their left, only one foot of the PLAYER​ ​ is allowed to cross the CENTRE LINE​ ​.
    1. If a designated ball is knocked off of the ​CENTRE LINE ​in the opponents direction the ball will be considered a LIVE BALL ​for the opponents which can be used immediately without needing to be returned to a PLAYER​ ​ behind the ​ATTACK LINE​.
    2. Only a ​PLAYER ​with a ​LIVE BALL​ may fully cross the ​CENTRE LINE
    3. Once a ​LIVE BALL​ has been ​THROWN​ or taken past the ​CENTRE LINE​ any ​PLAYER​ may fully cross the CENTRE LINE.
  6. PLAYERS​ rushing for the centre ball are not allowed to put their feet across or onto the CENTRE LINE​ ​ while trying to gain possession of the ball. The rushing ​PLAYERS​ are not allowed to contact the line or the court over the line with any part of their body, including their uniform.
  7. There is no limit to how many balls an individual PLAYER​ ​ may retrieve.
  8. A ​PLAYER​ may not slide or dive head first towards the ​CENTRE LINE​ of the court when rushing to gain possession of a ball on the ​CENTRE LINE​. The offending ​PLAYER​ will be called OUT​ ​.
  9. No deliberate physical contact between ​PLAYERS​ is allowed, the offending PLAYER/PLAYERS​ ​ will be called ​OUT​. This applies to pushing, grabbing and leaning on to a ​PLAYER​ from the opposing ​TEAM​. Incidental contact when competing for the centre ball will not be penalised.
  10. If two PLAYERS​ ​ both have hold of the centre ball they are both allowed to keep hold of it and try to gain possession, as long as they do not initiate intentional physical contact (​seeRule 5 Section 2.9​). If one ​PLAYER​ is pulled over the CENTRE LINE​ by the other competing ​PLAYER​ without the pulling ​PLAYER​ being in breach of Rule 5 Section 2.9​, the ​PLAYER​ who touches the court over the CENTRE LINE​ ​ will be called ​OUT​.
  11. A ​TEAM​ may cross the ​CENTRE LINE​ fully into the ​NEUTRAL ZONE​ once they have retrieved all of their available uncontested balls behind the ​ATTACK LINE​.
  12. Once all of a ​TEAM​ uncontested balls have been retrieved behind the ​ATTACK LINE​ the team may retrieve their opponents uncontested balls.


Section 3. Putting the ball in play during the Rush

  1. During the ​RUSH​, any ball retrieved from the ​NEUTRAL ZONE​ must be returned behind the ​ATTACK LINE​ before it may be thrown at an opponent.
  2. There are several ways to put a ball into play following a ​RUSH​. A ​PLAYER​ carries the ball across the ​ATTACK LINE​.
    1. A ​PLAYER​ passes the ball to a teammate who is behind or carries it across the ​ATTACK LINE​.
    2. A RETRIEVER​ ​ passes the ball to a PLAYER​ ​ with both feet in contact with the COURT​ ​ behind the ATTACK LINE.
    3. A ball is live from the opening RUSH​ ​ once it is in possession of a ​PLAYER​ that has both feet established and in contact with the court behind the ​ATTACK LINE​.
    4. See Rule 5 Section 2.5.1​ regarding designated balls.
    5. Once a ball crosses the ​ATTACK LINE​ it remains in play until the end of the ​SET​ or until the game is ​RESET​ and a new ​RUSH​ is executed
  3. A ball put in play by a ​PLAYER​ that hasn’t crossed the ​ATTACK LINE​ is considered a ​DEAD BALL​, any hits are voided plays.
  4. A ball knocked from it’s starting position on the CENTRE LINE ​ ​towards the opposing team is considered to be in play and may be collected by the opposing team without penalty.


Section 4.Time Outs and Suspension of Play

  1. Each team has the option to use a ​TACTICAL TIMEOUT​ of 1 minute this must be notified to the ​HEAD REFEREE​ immediately at the end of a ​SET​ before the ​RESET​ if it is not the ​TIME OUT​ will take place at the beginning of the following ​
  2. MATCH ​and PENALTY ​ ​timers will be paused during the ​TACTICAL TIMEOUT​ and will resumed immediately at the beginning of the next ​SET​.An ​OFFICIAL​ may stop play if in their judgment an injury or hazard has occurred, or conditions justify such action.
  3. An ​OFFICIAL​ may suspend play to assess penalties, settle verbal protests or to replace faulty equipment.
  4. An ​OFFICIAL​ will suspend play if a ​PLAYER​ becomes injured, if in the official’s judgment the ​PLAYER​ requires immediate attention​. ​The ​OFFICIAL​ shall call a ​TIME OUT​ and seek first aid or contact emergency personnel.
  5. Coaches and team medics are allowed on the court in the case of an injury.
  6. During a break in play, all ​PLAYERS​ must remain on court, on the bench, or if ​OUT​ they must remain in their position in the QUEUE​.


Section 5. Re-setting or Resuming Play

  1. Play will resume from the point play was paused and on the instructions of ​MATCH OFFICIAL​.



Section 1 Exiting Players

  1. An ​EXITING PLAYER​ is a PLAYER​ ​ who has been deemed ​OUT​ and is in the process of leaving the court.
  2. An ​EXITING PLAYER​ is one who has been ​HIT​ and is obviously not attempting to, or has failed to catch the deflected ball.
  3. PLAYERS​ ​HIT​ and attempting to ​CATCH​ the deflected ball are not considered an exiting player. Plays made against the PLAYER​ are resolved as follows:
    1. The player may be ​HIT​ and deemed ​OUT​ by additional throws.
    2. Catches made by the ​PLAYER​ are void, unless the ​PLAYER​ first catches the deflected ball saving themselves from the ​OUT
    3. The ​PLAYER​ may not do anything to eliminate an opponent until they have caught the deflection. All throws made by the PLAYER​ ​ between the deflection and CATCH​ ​ of the deflected ball are void.
  4. Upon being deemed ​OUT​ an exiting PLAYER​ ​ should raise a hand over their head. This signals that they’re OUT​ ​ and leaving the court, it also helps to prevent late hits and protects the PLAYERS​ ​ head as they exit.
  5. An EXITING PLAYER​ ​ must exit the court as quickly as possible over the nearest side line or end line. They must then make their way to the ​QUEUE​ without interfering with play.
  6. The ​EXITING PLAYER​ takes position at the end of the ​QUEUE​, behind any previously ​OUT
  7. A ball that has ​HIT​ an ​EXITING PLAYER​ which hasn’t been intentionally deflected by that ​PLAYER​ is still a ​LIVE BALL​ and can be caught or ​HIT ​other ​PLAYERS OUT​.
  8. An ​EXITING PLAYER​ must not intentionally obstruct a ​LIVE BALL​ that is ​IN FLIGHT​ while leaving the playing area. This includes shielding other PLAYERS​ ​, catching, or otherwise altering the path of a LIVE BALL​ ​.
  9. Should an OFFICIAL​ ​ determine an exiting PLAYER​ ​ has intentionally attempted to impact the play while leaving the court:
    1. The ​OFFICIAL​ will blow the whistle and stop play.
    2. The offending EXITING PLAYER​ ​ shall receive a YELLOW CARD​ ​ and will have to remain in the PENALTY BOX​ ​ until the 5 minute penalty for the ​PLAYER​ has ended. At the end of this time the PLAYER​ ​ will join the ​QUEUE​ as if the last PLAYER​ ​ to be out.
    3. All balls will be given to the non-offending team.
    4. Play will then resume.


Section 2 Player Interference

  1. An ​EXITING PLAYER​ must not intentionally obstruct an ​IN FLIGHT​ ​LIVE BALL​ while leaving the playing area. This includes shielding other players, catching, or otherwise altering the path of a live ball.
  2. An ​EXITING PLAYER​ or those in the ​QUEUE​ may not throw balls at opposing players, catch, or interfere with the path of a LIVE BALL​.
  3. Any violation determined to be intentional ​PLAYER​ interference, will result in a ​YELLOW CARD​ for the offending ​



Section 1. Returning Players

  1. A Returnee is a ​PLAYER​ who has been deemed ​OUT​ and is waiting in the ​QUEUE​ to return to play.
  2. PLAYERS​ from the ​QUEUE​ return to play in the order they were put out. Any violation of this rule will result in a ​YELLOW CARD for the offending PLAYER​.
  3. A ​RETURNING PLAYER​ must have both feet in the playing area to be deemed in bounds.
    1. A PLAYER​ ​ must return to the court by stepping onto the court over the Back Line.
    2. A ​PLAYER​ is only eligible to be ​OUT​ once both feet are in the playing area.
    3. A PLAYER​ ​ is only eligible to make a CATCH​ ​ once both feet are in the playing area.
    4. If a ​PLAYER​ catches a ball before establishing both feet in bounds the play is void (i.e., A ​PLAYER​ entering from the ​QUEUE​ leaps across the sideline into the court and catches a ball before both feet contact the ground. This would not be deemed a ​CATCH​. No ​OUT​ or penalty would result.)
  4. If a ​RETURNEE​ leaves the ​QUEUE​ for any reason, they must return to their original position in the ​QUEUE​. The team will forfeit its ability to return a ​PLAYER​ from the ​QUEUE​ until that ​PLAYER​ returns to the ​QUEUE​.


Section 2. Returning Order

  1. PLAYERS​ shall return from the ​QUEUE​ in the order they were put out, i.e., first out first in (FOFI).

A ​PLAYER​ who enters out of turn receives a ​YELLOW CARD​, and must immediately exit the court to the ​PENALTY BOX​.

  1. This team loses the chance to add a new ​PLAYER ​and the ​PLAYER​ who was supposed to enter, remains in the front of the QUEUE​ but is not allowed to enter until the next opportunity.



Section 1. Attempts

  1. Balls may only be ​THROWN​, with the exception of the ​BLOCK ATTACK​. A ​THROW​ may be performed with one or both hands and be overhand, underhand, side arm or chest push/throw.
    1. Intentionally kicking a ball or spiking a ball in an ​UNSPORTSMANLIKE​ way will result in an ​OUT​ for the offending PLAYER​.
  2. A ​PLAYER​ may not ​THROW​ or kick the ball once play has stopped or after being called ​OUT,​ Actions deemed as flagrant or unnecessary, will result in a ​PLAYER​ ​YELLOW CARD​.
  3. A ​PLAYER ​should leave the ball on ​COURT ​at the position where they were ​HIT​ or called​
  4. A ​THROW​ must leave a ​PLAYERS​ An opponent may not be “tagged” ​OUT​.
  5. PLAYERS​ are not allowed to roll a ball to the opposing team, unless instructed to do so by a ​MATCH​ ​OFFICIAL​.
  6. Attempts must be seen as valid attempts by the OFFICIALS​ ​. Failure to make valid attempts will result in the offending PLAYERS​ being called OUT​ ​ by the officials.
    1. Transferring balls to the opponents half by any means other than an ATTEMPT​ ​ or BLOCK​ ​ will be considered an INVALID ATTEMPT​ and the ​PLAYER​ will be called ​OUT​. Examples of this but not limited to are:
      1. Dropping a ball in a manner that causes it roll into the opponent’s ​FAIR TERRITORY​. or past the externally marked centre line if off court.
      2. Carrying a ball into the NEUTRAL ZONE​ ​ and leaving it there.


Section 2. Outs

  1. A ​PLAYER​ deemed ​OUT​ becomes an ​EXITING PLAYER​ and must exit the court directly and join the end of their team’s QUEUE
  2. A ​PLAYER​ is ​OUT​ at the moment of contact. Although the ball remains a ​LIVE BALL​ the ​PLAYER​ may no longer make any plays other than to ​CATCH​ the ball that put them ​OUT​.
  3. A ​PLAYER​ shall be deemed ​OUT​ when:
    1. HIT​ by a ​LIVE BALL on ​any part of the body including hair.
    2. Any article of clothing or uniform is ​HIT​ by a ​LIVE BALL​.
    3. HIT​ by a ​LIVE BALL:
      1. Rebounding off of another ​PLAYER​ on the court.
      2. Rebounding off of another ball including balls blocked by opponents and/or teammates.
      3. Rebounding off of a ball lying on court.
      4. A ​LIVE BALL​ they have thrown is:
      5. Caught ​IN FLIGHT​ by a defending ​PLAYER​.
      6. Caught after rebounding off of another ​PLAYER​ by a defending ​PLAYER​.
      7. Caught after rebounding off a ball lying on the court by a defending PLAYER​ ​.
    4. The ​PLAYER​ crosses over the ​NEUTRAL ZONE​ in violation of ​RULE 10
    5. An ​OFFICIAL​ has deemed that a ​PLAYER​ has committed a rules violation.
    6. The ​PLAYER​ or team has been charged with a penalty, causing a ​PLAYER​ to be ejected from live play.


Section 3. Catches

  1. A ​CATCH​ is deemed valid if the following conditions are met:
    1. The ball is a ​LIVE BALL​ and it is caught ​IN FLIGHT​ by a ​LIVE PLAYER.
    2. Also any Illegally ​THROWN​may be caught.
    3. When a player jumps to make a ​CATCH​, the ​CATCH​ is complete once the player has control of the ball. Any subsequent actions, such as being ​HIT​ by another ball or landing ​OUT OF BOUNDS​ will be seen as a separate action which happens after the ​CATCH​ and the ​PLAYER ​will be​ OUT​.
    4. A ball shall be considered ​UNDER CONTROL​ when it is in possession and in control of a ​PLAYER​ with at least one hand in contact with the ball.
    5. An ​OFFICIAL​ shall decide if the ball is ​UNDER CONTROL​.
      1. For a catch to be considered complete it must be fully in control of the catching ​PLAYER
      2. Full control is established once at least one hand has been placed on the ball to secure the ​CATCH​ by the ​PLAYER(e., A ball caught between a players knees, must have a hand on the ball while it is under the player’s control to be considered caught​).
    6. TRAPPING​ is the act of catching an ​IN FLIGHT​ ball by pinning it between a wall, floor, or other object that would otherwise render it a ​DEAD BALL​. ​TRAPPING​ is not considered a valid ​CATCH​ and the ​PLAYER​ executing the trap is deemed ​OUT​.
    7. If more than one PLAYER ​ ​makes contact with a ball simultaneously all are considered OUT​ ​.
    8. PLAYERS​ are not allowed to pull out their shirt or any other part of their uniform to ​CATCH​ a ball.
    9. Jumping into an opponent’s court is permitted when attempting to ​CATCH​ a ball providing it is not considered to be dangerous play by the ​HEAD REFEREE ​the​ PLAYER ​will be called OUT ​ ​when the PLAYER ​ ​makes contact with the floor.
      1. If it is considered to be dangerous the Jumping ​PLAYER​ will be penalised with a ​YELLOW CARD​.



Section 4. Blocking

  1. A ​PLAYER​ can use any ​LIVE BALL ​or​ DEAD BALL​ to ​BLOCK​ a ball which has been thrown by the other team.
  2. The blocked ball remains a LIVE BALL​ ​ and if it deflects off the blocking ball onto the blocking PLAYER​ ​ or any other PLAYER​, any ​PLAYERS HIT​ will be ​ ​
  3. When a PLAYER​ ​ uses a ball to BLOCK​ ​ a THROWN LIVE BALL​ ​ If the block causes the PLAYER​ ​ to lose control of the blocking ball they must regain control of the blocking ball before it makes contact with any object other than a ball under their control or a ​LIVE BALL.
    1. Catching a ​BLOCKING ​ball that a ​PLAYER​ has lost control of is not considered a ​CATCH​.
    2. When a ​PLAYER​ uses a ball to ​BLOCK​ a ​THROWN LIVE BALL​, their hands to the wrist are considered to be part of the ball any contact on the hand before the wrist is not a ​
  4. Where additional balls under a ​PLAYERS​ control are knocked loose by contact with a ​THROWN LIVE BALL​ these will be treated as though they were used to BLOCK​ ​ the ball.
    1. If no contact was made they will be treated as though they were dropped and the ​PLAYER​ is not ​OUT
  5. A ​BLOCKED BALL ​can be caught.
    1. If caught by the opposition the ​BLOCKINGPLAYER​ ​ is ​OUT
    2. A ​BLOCK ATTACK​ is considered to be the same as a throw and any resulting actions should be ruled as such 1. However if a teammate is hit by a ball from a ​BLOCK ATTACK​ they will be ​

*Possession in this Blocking Section is not the same as the No stalling rule. – Needs fixed by Shaun. He does good English.


Section 5. No Stalling Rule

(Previously called Delay of Game or Five Seconds Violation in some countries)

  1. The act of intentionally stalling the game is illegal. When a team has possession of three or more balls they have 5 seconds to make an attempt with the balls in their possession from the moment a ​MATCH​ ​OFFICIAL​ has called on them to

“​Play n Balls​.”

  1. Once a ​TEAM​ has or can have possession of the majority of the balls in play the ​MATCH​ ​OFFICIALS​ will allow them 5 seconds to initiate an ​ATTACK​ if the ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ believe the ​TEAM​ to be intentionally stalling they will call “​Play n Balls​.”. Strategic use of a single ball should not be confused with stalling
    1. A ball is considered to be in possession when a ​PLAYER​ or ​RETRIEVER​ has the ball in hand or within a reachable distance.
    2. A minimum of 3 balls must be on ​COURT​ before a ​MATCH OFFICIAL​ will call “Play n Balls​ ​.”.
  2. Teams are allowed to retain possession of only one of the balls in their possession at the time they were instructed to

“​Play n Balls​.”

  1. When teams have possession of the majority of the balls they will be regarded as the team who must be active and make attempts on the other team.
  2. If ​PLAYERS​ fail to make an ​ATTEMPT​ on the opposing team within 5 seconds, all ​PLAYERS​ who have possession of dodgeballs and ​PLAYERS​ who can have possession of a dodgeball, but have declined to pick up the ball, will be called OUT​ by a MATCH​ ​ OFFICIAL​ ​.
  3. When “​Play n Balls​” has been called by an ​OFFICIAL​, the team with majority of the balls must make attempts which can get a member of the opposing team out. Their attempts must be seen as valid attempts by the ​OFFICIALS​. Failure to make valid attempts will result in the offending PLAYERS​ ​ being called OUT​ ​ by the officials.
  4. In situations where there are more dodgeballs on their side of the court than there are ​PLAYERS​, all ​PLAYERS​ must make attempts within 5 seconds, until the opposing team has the majority of the balls; for example: a team has 2 PLAYERS​ ​ left on court and they have all 5 balls in their possession, the ​PLAYERS​ must both throw balls and this would still mean they had most of the balls and they would have to both throw 2 more dodgeballs within another 5 seconds, as the rules states they can only keep one ball however as “Play n Balls​ ​” is an instruction based on stalling if they were to THROW​ ​ another ball before the ​OFFICIALS​ called “Play n Balls​ ​” again they would no longer have the majority of balls and could retain 2 balls.
  5. In situations where each team has an equal amount of balls the OFFICIALS​ ​ will determine which team can be in possession of the majority of reachable balls based on the nearest PLAYER​ ​ to any DEAD BALL​ ​ within reachable distance on court.
    1. If each team has 2 balls and a ball is stationary in the NEUTRAL ZONE​ ​ which ever team has the nearest PLAYER​ to the stationary ball will be deemed to have the majority of balls.
    2. A ball within a teams FAIR TERRITORY​ ​ is considered to be in that teams possession.
  6. Play n Balls​ situational examples:

The reasoning on these examples is based on the following If a ​PLAYER​ in possession of a ball or multiple balls is ​HIT​ out during a “​Play n Balls​.” call they will be unable to throw the balls held and they are not in possession of another PLAYER​ ​ nor can another ​PLAYER​ be considered to have          declined to pick them up as they were in possession of an active ​PLAYER during the “Play n Balls​ ​.” call.

  1. TEAM​ has 3 balls in possession ​OFFICIALS​ call ‘​Play 2 Balls’ and 2 ​ ​PLAYERS​ have begun to ​THROW​ but 1 ​PLAYER​ is ​HIT before making a ​THROW​ and only 1 ball is ​THROWN​ this means that a 2nd ball needs to be ​THROWN​ before the call to ‘​Play 2 Balls’ expires or a ​ PLAYER​ ​ will be called OUT​ ​.
  2. TEAM​ has 3 balls in possession ​OFFICIALS​ call ‘​Play 2 Balls’ and 2 ​ ​PLAYERS​ have begun to ​THROW​ but both ​PLAYERS​ are HIT​ before making a THROW​ ​ this means that the 3rd ball in the teams possession must be ​THROWN​ before the call to ‘Play 2 Balls’ expires or a ​ ​PLAYER​ will be called ​OUT​.
  3. TEAM​ has 3 balls in possession ​OFFICIALS​ call ‘​Play 2 Balls’ and 1 ​ ​PLAYER ​with possession of 2 balls is ​HIT​ before making a ​THROW​ this means that the 3rd ball in the TEAMS​ ​ possession must be THROWN​ ​ before the call to ‘Play 2 Balls​ ’ expires or​ a ​PLAYER will be called OUT​.
  4. TEAM​ has 3 balls in possession ​OFFICIALS​ call ‘Play 2 Balls​ ’ and 2 ​ ​PLAYERS​ have begun to ​THROW​ 1 ​PLAYERS​ has possession of 2 balls and is ​HIT​ before making a ​THROW​ this means that the 3rd ball in the teams possession must be THROWN​ before the call to ‘​Play 2 Balls’ expires or a ​ ​PLAYER​ will be called ​OUT​.
  5. TEAM​ has 3 balls in possession ​OFFICIALS​ call ‘​Play 2 Balls’ and 2 ​ ​PLAYERS​ have begun to ​THROW​ 1 PLAYERS​ ​ has possession of 2 balls and another PLAYER has possession of the 3rd ball and both are ​HIT​ before making a ​THROW​ this means that the call to ‘​Play 2 Balls’ must end and a new ‘​ Play 2 Balls​ ’ be called.​


Section 6. Pinching

  1. Holding a ball in order to alter the normal flight pattern of the thrown ball.
    1. Pinching is when a ​PLAYER​ holds the outer cover of the dodgeball between thumb and fingers.
    2. Pinching the ball when throwing it is an ​ILLEGAL ATTEMPT​.
    3. Inserting fingers through splits or tears in the outer cover of the ball is also regarded as Pinching.
  2. Any individual or team found pinching will be assessed as called OUT​ ​.
    1. Persistent pinching can result in a ​YELLOW CARD​ offence being declared by the ​MATCH​ ​OFFICIALS​ on the offending ​PLAYER​.



Section 1 Out Of Bounds

  1. If any part of the ​PLAYERS​ body touches a ​BACK LINE​, ​SIDE LINE​ or oppositions ​NEUTRAL ZONE​ line the ​PLAYER​ shall be deemed ​OUT​.
  2. A foot or feet must touch ground in ​FAIR TERRITORY​ (within the court boundary lines) with no part of their body touching on or outside a boundary line for a ​PLAYER​ to be considered in bounds. The ​BACK LINE​, ​SIDE LINE​ and ​NEUTRAL ZONE line, in the opposition’s court, are considered OUT OF BOUNDS​ ​.
  3. The following actions will result in an ​OUT​ when:
    1. A ​PLAYER​ steps ​OUT OF BOUNDS​ or on a ​BACK LINE​, ​SIDE LINE​ or oppositions ​NEUTRAL ZONE
    2. A ​PLAYER​ intentionally throws a ball at an opponent from ​OUT OF BOUNDS​. No ​HIT​ or ​CATCH​ will be called and no ​PLAYERS​ are returned from the ​QUEUE​. Flagrant or repeat violations will result in a ​YELLOW CARD​.
    3. A ​PLAYER​ steps out of bound to avoid a hit.
    4. A ​PLAYER​ steps ​OUT OF BOUNDS​ to make a catch.
  4. Momentum may carry a ​PLAYER​ ​OUT OF BOUNDS​ while making a CATCH​ ​. The CATCH​ ​ will be good, providing control of the ball is established before going ​OUT OF BOUNDS​, but the ​PLAYER​ will subsequently be called out after making the CATCH​.



Section 1 Neutral Zone

  1. The​ NEUTRAL ZONE ​is an area the width of the court and 3 meters wide, spaced equally either side of the ​CENTRE LINENEUTRAL ZONE​ Lines are 1.5 m either side of the ​CENTRE LINE​.
  2. A ​PLAYER​ may safely step into the ​NEUTRAL ZONE​ but not across into the opposing teams ​FAIR TERRITORY​. Any PLAYER​ crossing over the ​NEUTRAL ZONE​ is deemed ​
  3. A ​PLAYER​ is considered crossing the NEUTRAL ZONE​ ​ if any part of the ​PLAYERS​ body touches the ground over or on the NEUTRAL ZONE​ line in the opposing teams FAIR TERRITORY​ ​.
  4. PLAYERS​ may reach across the ​NEUTRAL ZONE​ into the opposing teams FAIR TERRITORY ​ ​to retrieve a ball.
  5. A PLAYER​ ​ HIT​ ​ while in the NEUTRAL ZONE​ ​ is deemed ​
  6. The SACRIFICE PLAY​ ​ rule supersedes any application of the ​NEUTRAL ZONE
  7. No physical contact can be made between opposing ​PLAYERS​. Any physical contact results in an out for the ​PLAYER​ that initiates contact


Section 1. Simultaneous Play

Simultaneous Play occurs when two or more opposing ​PLAYERS​ are ​HIT​ and/or ​CATCH​ balls at the same time and ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ cannot determine which play was completed first.

  1. All results are resolved simultaneously.
    1. Each ​PLAYER HIT ​is deemed ​OUT​.
    2. Each ​CATCH​ results in one ​PLAYER​ returning from the QUEUE​ ​.
  2. A ​SIMULTANEOUS PLAY​ will only be ruled as such when ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ cannot establish a linear sequence of events.
  3. Should a ​SIMULTANEOUS PLAY​ result in all ​PLAYERS​ being eliminated:
    1. The ​SET​ is concluded and the ​SET​ result is declared a tie/draw.
    2. Both teams retake their positions to begin the next ​SET​.


Section 2. Simultaneous Hit and Catch

  1. A ​SIMULTANEOUS HIT AND CATCH​ occurs when a ​PLAYER​ in the act of catching a ball is ​HIT​ by another ball simultaneously, such that the ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ cannot determine which action was completed first both:
    1. The thrower of the caught ball will be deemed ​OUT​.
    2. The ​PLAYER​ catching the ball who was ​HIT​ is deemed ​OUT​.
  2. One ​PLAYER​ from the catching team is allowed to return from the ​QUEUE​.



Section 1. Sacrifice Play

  1. An airborne attack, where an ​ATTACKING​ ​PLAYER​ may legally cross the ​NEUTRAL ZONE​ to make an attempt to ​HIT​ out an opponent.
    1. The ball must be released before any part of the ​SACRIFICING PLAYER ​touches the oppositions ​FAIR TERRITORY​. 2. No physical contact can be made between opposing ​PLAYERS​. Any physical contact results in an out for the PLAYER​ that initiates contact
    2. If a ​SACRIFICING PLAYER ​ ​HITS OUT ​an opponent the ​SACRIFICING PLAYER​ remains in but must return to their side of the court immediately. Any intentional delay shall result in a ​PLAYER​ ​YELLOW CARD​.
    3. If the ​SACRIFICING PLAYER​ is ​HIT​ while in the air, after he has thrown his ball, the ball remains a LIVE BALL​ ​.
  2. A ​SACRIFICING PLAYER ​is successful if the ​THROW​ causes a ​PLAYER​ to go out by being ​
    1. Once a ​SACRIFICING PLAYER​, which has put a defending PLAYER​ ​ out, touches the ground and remains within their opponents FAIR TERRITORY​ ​ they cannot make any thrown attacks until they return completely into the NEUTRAL ZONE​. They may however be put ​OUT​. This means a ​PLAYER​ making a successful ​SACRIFICE PLAY can still be ​HIT​ ​OUT​ but they cannot put any defending ​PLAYER​ ​OUT​ with a thrown attack until they have returned to the NEUTRAL ZONE
    2. Any ball thrown by a ​SACRIFICE PLAYER​ after they have landed in their opponents court is not considered to be a LIVE BALL​ and is not able get an opponent ​OUT ​but can be caught.
    3. A SACRIFICING PLAYER​ ​ may CATCH​ ​ any ​LIVE BALL​ that has been thrown by, ​BLOCKED​ by or rebounded off an opponent. If the ​SACRIFICING PLAYER​ catches a ball in mid-air the ​CATCH​ is good but the ​PLAYER​ is out when they land in the oppositions ​FAIR TERRITORY​ if the initial ​SACRIFICE PLAY​ was not successful.
    4. The ​SACRIFICING PLAYER​ must remain within the court boundaries and return to the NEUTRAL ZONE​ ​ immediately with or without possession of the caught ball.
    5. The ​SACRIFICING PLAYER​ must not pick up any ball from the oppositions ​FAIR TERRITORY​ until they have returned fully to the NEUTRAL ZONE.
    6. If the ​SACRIFICING PLAYER​ is ​HIT​ by a ball ricocheting off a defending PLAYER​ ​ both PLAYERS​ ​ are out.
  3. If a SACRIFICING PLAYER fails to HIT OUT a PLAYER​ the SACRIFICING​ ​ PLAYER​ ​ is deemed OUT​ and must leave the court immediately.



Section 1 Head Shots

  1. A ​HEAD SHOT​ is when a ball that strikes the head of a PLAYER​ ​ above the shoulders, including the neck.
  2. There is no penalty for a ​HEAD SHOT​ in normal play.
  3. A ​HEAD SHOT​ is a valid attempt and a ​PLAYER​ struck on the head is ​OUT​, unless the ​REFEREE​ believes it was intentionally used in an ​UNSPORTSMANLIKE​ fashion (to intentionally injure an opposing player).



Section 1. Injured Player

  1. If a ​PLAYER​ becomes injured and requires immediate attention, the ​OFFICIAL​ shall blow the whistle, call a time out and seek first aid or contact emergency personnel if necessary.
  2. If the injured ​PLAYER​ is unable to continue play:
    1. The next ​PLAYER​ in the ​QUEUE​ replaces the injured ​PLAYER​.
    2. A ​SUBSTITUTE​ may enter the game to replace the ​PLAYER​ on the roster for that set.
    3. The ​SUBSTITUTE​ enters at the end of the ​QUEUE​, and must wait until their turn to enter the game. If the QUEUE​ is empty, the SUBSTITUTE​ ​ may enter immediately.
  3. Anyone leaving the game due to injury may not re-enter until the start of the next set at the discretion of the ​OFFICIAL​ and the league, tournament, or event representative.
  4. The ​OFFICIAL​ may disqualify an injured ​PLAYER​ and insist that a ​SUBSTITUTE​ ​PLAYER​ replaces them, should that ​PLAYER present an unreasonable risk to themselves and/or other ​PLAYERS​.


Section 2. Blood Rule

  1. If a ​PLAYER​, ​COACH​, or ​OFFICIAL​ is found to be bleeding or discovered to have blood on their uniform. The ​OFFICIAL​ shall:
    1. Stop the game immediately and allow treatment.
    2. Call a ​COACH​, trainer or other authorised personnel to administer first aid, or contact emergency services as necessary.
    3. The injured individual will be prohibited from participating any further in the set. They can return to ​MATCH​ pay at the start of the next appropriate treatment has been administered and there is no blood clearly visible on the person and the ​PLAYERS
  2. All rules of the game regarding substitution and shorthanded play will be applied, and a ​RESET​ will be executed if required.
  3. If medical care or treatment is administered in a reasonably short length of time, in the ​OFFICIALS​ judgment, and the PLAYER​ is not at risk to themselves or others, the individual may remain in the set.
  4. Uniform rule violations will not be enforced if a uniform change is required due to a blood Injury.



Section 1. Invalid Protests

  1. Protests will not be received or considered if based solely on or involving the accuracy of a decision or judgment on the part of a ​MATCH OFFICIAL​.

Examples of protests, which will ​not​ be considered but not limited too:

  1. Whether a defender was HIT​ ​.
  2. Whether a defenders clothing was HIT​ ​.
  3. Whether a PLAYER​ ​ was OUT OF BOUNDS​ ​.
  4. Whether a throw was a ​HEAD SHOT​.
  5. Whether a ball was caught legally.
  6. Whether a ​PLAYER​ crossed the ​NEUTRAL ZONE​.
  7. Whether a ball was live or dead.
  8. Whether there was or was not interference or obstruction.
  9. Whether the court/field is or is not fit to continue or resume play.
  10. Whether there is or is not sufficient light to continue of play.
  11. Any other matter involving the accuracy of a decision or judgment of a ​MATCH OFFICIAL​.
  1. PROTESTS​ will only be addressed if presented by the designated ​MANAGER, COACH, ASSISTANT COACH, TEAM CAPTAIN within the​ ​court boundaries i.e, the ​TEAM CAPTAIN​ on court or in the ​PLAYER OUT QUEUE or PENALTY BOX​, the designated ​MANAGER, COACH, ASSISTANT COACH​ in the COACHING AREA​ ​.
    1. If a ​TEAMS​ designated ​COACH​ has been ejected then only the ​TEAM CAPTAIN​ on court or in the ​PLAYER OUT​ or PENALTY BOX​ may ​PROTEST​.
  2. A ​TEAM​ is allocated a single ​PROTEST​ for each ​MATCH​.
    1. If the ​PROTEST​ is upheld they keep the option to make a ​PROTEST​ within the ​MATCH​.
    2. If the ​PROTEST​ is denied they forfeit the option to make a ​PROTEST​ within the ​MATCH​.
    3. All timers are paused during a ​PROTEST​ and will resume once the protest has been resolved.


Section 2. Valid Protests

  1. The following ​PROTESTS​ will be considered:
  2. PROTESTS​ of an incorrect ruling must be made to an ​OFFICIAL​ immediately before the next OUT
  3. Ineligible ​PLAYER​ ​PROTESTS​ must be made to the ​HEAD REFEREE​ on the court prior to the start of the current set.
  4. Disqualified or ejected ​PLAYER​ ​PROTESTS​ must be made to an ​OFFICIAL​ at the end of the current set.


Section 3. Verbal Protest

  1. All ​PROTESTS​ must be made immediately by notifying the ​HEAD REFEREE​ on the court that the ​MATCH​ is to be played under ​PROTEST​. The ​PROTEST​ must be made by the designated team captain or team coach within the court boundaries.
  2. If the court’s ​HEAD REFEREE​ determines the ​PROTEST​ is valid, the play shall stop.
  3. The court’s ​HEAD REFEREE​ shall in turn notify other OFFICIALS​ ​, as well as the opposing team’s OFFICIAL​ ​
  4. To aid in the determination of the ​PROTEST​, all interested parties shall take notice of the information, details and conditions surrounding the decision to ​PROTEST​.
  5. The ​HEAD REFEREE​ and league, event or tournament representative will attempt to resolve the ​PROTEST​ before the game can continue.
  6. If the ​PROTEST​ is upheld, the game will be ​RESET​ at the point prior to the ​PROTEST​.
  7. All dodgeballs will remain in possession of the teams who had possession when play was halted.
  8. Any balls which were not in possession of either team will be placed equally spaced and centrally along the ​CENTRE LINE
    1. If the number of balls is odd then starting with the centre(4m) ball mark and working outwards evenly.
    2. If the number of balls is even then positioned between the ball markers starting either side of the centre(4m) ball mark
  9. If the ​PROTEST​ is denied and the decision is upheld, the protesting team will forfeit the right to raise any further ​PROTESTS during that ​MATCH​.



Section 1. Power and Duties

  1. OFFICIALS​ are representatives of the league or organisation by which they have been assigned to a particular ​MATCH​ and as such, are authorised and required to enforce each section of these rules.
  2. OFFICIALS​ may order ​PLAYERS​, captains, or managers to carry out or to omit any act, which in their judgment is necessary to give force and effect to one or all of the rules.
  3. An ​OFFICIAL​ may assign penalties, disqualify or eject ​PLAYERS​, captains, managers, and coaches at any time.
  4. The ​OFFICIAL​ has the authority to make a decision on any situation not specifically covered in the rules.
  5. No ​OFFICIAL​ has the authority to set aside or question the decisions made by another ​OFFICIAL​ within the limits of the respective duties, as outlined in these rules.
  6. An ​OFFICIAL​ may consult other OFFICIALS​ ​ at any time. However, the final decision and call rests with the HEAD REFEREE​ of that ​MATCH​.
  7. The primary responsibilities for a ​HEAD REFEREE​ are:
    1. Enforce proper conduct from all participants of the game.
    2. Inspect the court, balls, and all equipment in play.
    3. Review and verify the team line-up, substitutions, and roster.
    4. Align all balls at centre court, and initiate a RUSH​ ​.
    5. Enforce the NEUTRAL ZONE RULE​.
    6. Assume all responsibilities of a side line OFFICIAL​ ​.
  8. The primary responsibilities for the side line ​OFFICIAL​ are:
    1. Insuring that all balls are put in play, following a ​RUSH
    2. Calling and verifying a ​CATCH​ made in their territory.
    3. Calling and verifying an ​OUT​ made within their territory on the court
    4. Monitor players exiting and re-entering from the ​QUEUE​.
    5. Assist the ​HEAD REFEREE​ in enforcing the rules of the game.
  9. The ​HEAD REFEREE​ and sideline ​OFFICIALS​ have equal authority to:
    1. Determine if a ball has ​HIT​ a player or article of clothing of a ​PLAYER​ in their territory
    2. Determine if a ball was thrown illegally.
    3. Call a player ​OUT​.
    4. Declare a ​CATCH​.
    5. Declare a player ​OUT OF BOUNDS​.
    6. Suspend play or call a TIMEOUT​ ​, when an injury occurs or a protest is enforced.
    7. Eject or disqualify a ​PLAYER​, ​COACH​, manager or other team member from the game for violation of rules or UNSPORTSMANLIKE
    8. Declare a forfeit of any game.
  10. An ​OFFICIAL​ will declare the ​PLAYER​ ​OUT​ without waiting for an appeal for such decision. In all cases such a ​PLAYER retires to the ​QUEUE​ in accordance with these rules.
  11. An ​OFFICIAL​ will not penalise a team for any infraction of a rule when imposing the penalty would be an advantage to the offending team.


Section 2. Officials Crew

  1. An OFFICIALS​ ​ Crew (a team of ​OFFICIALS​) can consist of the following personnel:
  2. The ​HEAD REFEREE​ is in charge of all officials on their court and is the final decision maker on all matter covered by these Rules and Regulations.
  3. ASSISTANT OFFICIALS​ are there to assist the ​HEAD REFEREE​ and they can number between 1 and 5 on each court.
  4. ASSISTANT OFFICIAL​ #1 is the main assistant to the ​HEAD REFEREE​. They will usually be a qualified dodgeball ​REFEREE​.
  5. ASSISTANT OFFICIALS​ #2, #3, #4 & #5 will be provided by ​TEAMS​ who are not playing at the time this MATCH​ ​ is being played if not provided by the ​COMPETITION CO-ORDINATOR. TEAMS​ must ​​provide these ​ASSISTANT OFFICIALS​ when instructed to do so or face fines and penalties as stated by the event organisers.
  6. A Scorer can also be appointed to keep accurate ​MATCH​ scoring, by filling out the score sheet as the ​MATCH
  7. They will operate the scoreboard.
  8. The Scorer can also be responsible for operating all official timing used during the ​MATCH ​where a designated ​TIME KEEPER​ is not provided by the ​COMPETITION CO-ORDINATOR.


Section 3. Responsibilities of a Single Official

  1. If only one ​OFFICIAL​ is assigned, that ​OFFICIAL​ assumes all powers and duties of both a HEAD REFEREE​ ​ and ​ASSISTANT OFFICIAL.
  2. The ​OFFICIAL​ shall take position as a ​HEAD REFEREE​ at the ​CENTRE LINE​.


Section 4. Official’s Court Positions

  1. The ​HEAD REFEREE​ shall:
    1. Takes a starting position at centre court in the NEUTRAL ZONE​ ​, on either the right or left hand side of the court.
    2. The ​HEAD REFEREE​ can alternate sides between sets.
    1. Take a position along the side line mid court, roughly at a 45˚ angle, opposite the ​HEAD REFEREE.
    2. The ​ASSISTANT OFFICIALS​ should alternate sides in coordination with the ​HEAD REFEREE​.
    3. The diagram indicates the correct positioning for each ​MATCH OFFICIAL​.


Section 5. Change of Official

  1. A team may not request a change of OFFICIAL​ ​ during a MATCH​ ​ unless an official has become incapacitated by injury or illness.
  2. An officer of the organisation may remove an ​OFFICIAL​ at their discretion.
  3. A change of an ​OFFICIAL​ shall not constitute nor be grounds for a protest.


Section 6. Official’s Judgment

  1. There will be no protest or appeal of any decision made by an official on the grounds that the official’s judgment was incorrect.
  2. Whether a ​PLAYER​ was ​HIT​, a ball was caught, a ​PLAYER​ crossed an end line or side line, or on any action involving accuracy of judgment
  3. No decision rendered by an ​OFFICIAL​ may be reversed except; whereby the official in question is convinced the decision is in violation of one of these rules.
  4. Should a manager, acting manager, captain, or assistant captain of either team seek reversal of a decision based solely on a point of rules the ​OFFICIAL​ in question, if in doubt, shall confer with other ​OFFICIALS​ before rendering a decision. Any decision is solely the responsibility of the calling official.
  5. Under no circumstances is any PLAYER​ ​ or person other than the manager, acting manager, captain, or assistant captain, able to protest any decision and or seek its reversal on a rule.
  6. Under no circumstances will an ​OFFICIAL​ seek to reverse a decision made by another official unless asked to do so, by another official.


Section 7. Official Interference

  1. An ​OFFICIAL​ shall avoid interfering with play or balls in flight whenever possible.
  2. An ​OFFICIAL​ may prevent a ball from leaving an ​OPEN COURT​. In which case the ball should be moved on in its natural direction as if it had bounced off the ​OFFICIAL​, or returned to centre court if the point of exit is undetermined.
  3. Any ball rebounding off an ​OFFICIAL​ is considered a dead ball as if it hits a wall, ceiling, floor.


Section 8. Official’s Uniform

  1. A regulation EDBF ​OFFICIAL​ shall wear a short-sleeve polo shirt, predominantly black colour with white trim. It will have the EDBF logo or the letters ”EDBF” worn on the left chest.
  2. Black slacks or shorts.
  3. Shoes may be solid black or white or mixed black and white athletic shoes with non-marking soles.


Section 9. Guideline for Officials

  1. An ​OFFICIAL​ should not be a member of either TEAM​ ​ (i.e., player, coach, manager, officer, scorekeeper or sponsor), if so an equal number of ​OFFICIALS​ from each ​TEAM​ should be available.
  2. The ​OFFICIALS​ should be sure of the date, start time, and location of the event and should arrive at the court 15 to 30 minutes ahead of the start time.
  3. At some events the ​OFFICIALS​ will be responsible for the accurate marking and set up of the court and its immediate playing area.
  4. When ​OFFICIALS​ are responsible for marking out courts and set up the playing area, another ​OFFICIAL​ or event ​OFFICIAL should inspect the court area before play commences.
  5. They should start the event or ​MATCH​ at the designated time and leave the court when the ​MATCH​ is over.
  6. The ​OFFICIAL​ jurisdiction begins upon entering the court for the court check and ends when they leave the court at the completion of the event or the ​MATCH​.
  7. OFFICIALS​ should introduce themselves to the ​COACHES, TEAM CAPTAINS, MANAGERS. The OFFICIAL​ ​ should inspect the court, boundaries, balls, and all other equipment
  8. The ​OFFICIAL​ should clarify all rules for the representatives of both teams.
  9. The ​OFFICIAL​, may suspend play when in their judgment, conditions justify such action.
  10. The ​OFFICIAL​ should suspend play when a ​PLAYER​ become injured and require immediate attention. The ​OFFICIAL​ shall call a “time out” and seek first aid or contact emergency services if required.



Section 1. EDBF Code of Conduct for Players:

Players are expected to abide by the EDBF Code of Conduct:

  1. Understand, appreciate and abide by the rules of the sport.
  2. Respect the integrity and judgment of MATCH OFFICIAL’s​ ​ and EDBF staff.
  3. Respect your opponent and congratulate them in a courteous manner following each ​MATCH​ whether in victory or defeat.
  4. Be responsible for your actions and maintain self-control.
  5. Do not taunt or bait opponents and refrain from using foul or abusive language.


Section 2. The Honour System:

PLAYERS​ are expected to abide by the Honour System.

  1. The Honour System expects all ​PLAYERS​ to abide by the highest level of honesty and sporting conduct at all times during competitive play.
  2. PLAYERS​ should remove themselves from the court and go into the ​QUEUE​ for their team if they are out by being HIT​ ​ with a ball, caught out or if they commit a line infraction. They should not wait to be called ​OUT​ by the MATCH OFFICIAL’s​ ​.
  3. Any ​PLAYER​ who remains on court after they are clearly out and waits to be called ​OUT​ by an ​OFFICIAL​ will be in breach of the Honour System.
  4. This is regarded as UNSPORTSMANLIKE​ ​
  5. The offending ​PLAYERS​ will be given a verbal warning and they will be disciplined with a YELLOW CARD​ ​, if they are seen to behave in this manner on more than one occasion during an event.
  6. PLAYER​ honesty will not be penalised and the ​REFEREE​ may call a PLAYER​ ​ that has left the court back into play.
    1. This will happen when a PLAYER​ ​ has stepped off the court because they believe they are out.
    2. This is entirely at the discretion of ​REFEREES​.
  7. TEAMS/PLAYERS​ that are observed or reported to be abusing the honour system through ​UNSPORTSMANLIKE​ behaviour during or after a tournament may be formally reported to the EDBF PROTEST & PUNISHMENT COMMITTEE​ ​ for review and further action.


Section 3. Code of Conduct for Officials

  1. MATCH OFFICIALS ​must behave in an exemplary manner when communicating with teams, players, coaches, managers, spectators, other ​OFFICIALS​, event organisers and EDBF officers.
  2. MATCH OFFICIALS​ must not swear at PLAYERS​ ​, spectators, any other team officers or any event OFFICIALS​ ​ and officers.
  3. MATCH OFFICIALS​ must not make derogatory or abusive remarks at any time, to any person during a EDBF event.
  4. MATCH OFFICIALS​ must remain calm when dealing with outspoken, abusive and aggressive persons and treat ​PLAYERS​, coaches, managers, spectators and other ​OFFICIALS​ and officers with respect at all times.
  5. As all ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ will be recognised as such during the full schedule of an event by ​PLAYERS​, coaches, managers, spectators, officials and event officers, they must behave in an exemplary manner at all times when they are officiating at a EDBF event.


Section 1. Penalty Set

  1. A ​PENALTY SET​ can be issued where the ​MATCH OFFICIALS​ consider a ​YELLOW CARD​ to harsh for the offence committed but still requires punitive action examples of which but not limited to are:
    1. Not leaving a ball at the position at which a player was out.
    2. Not raising hands whilst leaving court.
    3. Intentional transfer of balls.
    4. Intentionally time wasting.
  2. A ​PENALTY SET​ will mean that the ​PLAYERS​ will be sent to the ​PENALTY BOX​ for the duration of the current ​SET​ and the following ​SET​ and the ​TEAM​ will not be able to ​SUBSTITUTE​ the ​PLAYERS​ and must play with the reduced amount of PLAYERS​ until the ​PENALTY SET​ has expired, if this results in the team being ​SHORT HANDED​ at the end of a 20 second RESET ​they will forfeit the SET ​ ​and the PLAYERS PENALTY​ ​ SET​ ​ will be considered served.
    1. Should both ​TEAMS​ be ​SHORT HANDED​ the ​SET​ will be considered a ​DRAW​.
  3. A ​PLAYER​ may only be given a ​PENALTY SET​ twice within a ​MATCH​ after which all offences for the ​PLAYER​ will have to be a given as a minimum of a YELLOW CARD​ ​.


Section 2. Yellow Card

  1. A ​YELLOW CARD​ indicates that a team or ​PLAYER​ has received a penalty following aggressive, abusive,

UNSPORTSMANLIKE​ or other unacceptable conduct or unacceptable use of profanity or unsavoury language.

  1. A ​YELLOW CARD​ can be issued to an individual player or a whole team and they are cumulative throughout a tournament.
    1. First Offence: The ​PLAYER​ shall be deemed ejected from play for a 5 minute period of play and may not return until they have remained off court, in the Penalty Box (situated next to the ​QUEUE​), for the allotted time.
      1. The EJECTED PLAYER​ ​ must remain in the PENALTY BOX​ ​ and they must not confer or discuss the disciplinary decision which inflicted the ​YELLOW CARD​ with any ​MATCH​ ​OFFICIAL​ during the time of their penalty.
      2. When a ​PLAYER​ has been ejected due to a YELLOW CARD​ ​ offence, their team will play
      3. Short-handed while the penalty is being served.
      4. When the YELLOW CARD​ ​ is issued in the first half of play and there is less than 5 minutes of play remaining in the half, their 5 minute penalty will be paused during the
      5. Half-time break and the penalty will continue at the beginning of the second half. The penalised ​PLAYER is allowed to leave the ​PENALTY BOX​ during the half-time break.
      6. When the YELLOW CARD​ ​ is issued in the second half of play and there is less than 5 minutes of play remaining in the MATCH​ ​, the 5 minute penalty will be paused at the end of the MATCH​ ​ and the penalty will continue for that ​PLAYER​ at the beginning of the next ​MATCH​ in the tournament or league. The EJECTED PLAYER​ must sit out the rest of the time for his penalty, as a SUBSTITUTE​ ​, at the start of the next ​MATCH​ but his/her team can start the next ​MATCH​ with a full team.
      7. Once the 5 minute penalty is completed the player will take position in the ​QUEUE​ as the last ​PLAYER
    2. Second Offence: The PLAYER​ ​ is assessed a ​RED CARD​ and is removed from the ​MATCH​ for the rest of the time remaining. Further penalties will be enforced.
    1. Should a ​RETRIEVER​ receive a ​YELLOW CARD​ that person will not be allowed within the ​COURT BOUNDARIES​ for 5 minute period of play.
    1. First Offence: The team will forfeit the set in which they are issued the ​YELLOW CARD
      1. If the ​TEAM YELLOW CARD​ is received before a ​SET​ has started or after a ​MATCH​ has finished the opposing ​TEAM​ will receive an additional 2 Points.
      2. Second Offence: The ​TEAM​ will be assessed a ​RED CARD​. This will result in a ​MATCH​ ​FORFEIT​.
        1. MATCH OFFICIALS​, tournament officials and/or EDBF officials will decide if further Penalties will be imposed.
        2. Further penalties for a Team ​RED CARD​ can be decided on the day or at a meeting convened at a later date.


Section 3. Red Card

  1. A ​RED CARD​ may be issued to an individual ​PLAYER​ or a whole team.
  2. A ​RED CARD​ indicates that a ​TEAM​ or ​PLAYER​ has received a penalty following aggressive, abusive, ​UNSPORTSMANLIKE or other unacceptable conduct or unacceptable use of profanity or unsavoury language.
    1. The ​PLAYER​ is disciplined with a ​RED CARD​ and is removed from the ​MATCH​ for the rest of the time remaining.
    2. The ​PLAYER​ will also automatically be penalised with a full 2 ​MATCH​ suspension with immediate effect on the next matches their team is scheduled to play. These matches can take place at the same event, at any subsequent EDBF events and at the events of affiliated National Governing Bodies.
      1. MATCH OFFICIAL’s​, tournament officials and/or EDBF officials will decide if further penalties will be imposed.
      2. Further penalties for a ​PLAYER​ ​RED CARD​ can be decided on the day or at a meeting convened at a later date.
    3. During the ​MATCH​ in which the ​RED CARD​ penalty is issued that ​PLAYERS​ team will play short-handed for the remainder of that ​MATCH​. At the following matches in which the penalised ​PLAYER​ is not allowed to participate, the team can use another member of they’re playing roster to ​SUBSTITUTE​ in for the penalised ​PLAYER​ in order to make up a full team.
    4. Team ​RED CARD​: Results in the forfeiture of the entire ​MATCH​.


Section 4. Unsportsmanlike Conduct

  1. Sporting Behaviour: Dodgeball competitions are based on sporting behaviour and fair play. Coaches and ​PLAYERS​ are expected and trusted with these values. The following are examples of unacceptable or UNSPORTSMANLIKE​ ​ behaviour:
    1. Tactics that endanger the safety of ​PLAYERS​.
    2. After equipment check, illegal equipment is put back into play. 3. Use of equipment for other than its intended design.
    3. Intentionally damaging the court, equipment or facilities.
    4. Use of derogatory, racial, or offensive gestures or language by ​PLAYERS​ will not be tolerated. Coaches, managers, or other team members will not make disparaging or insulting remarks about opposing ​PLAYERS​, OFFICIALS​, or spectators, nor commit any other acts that could be considered UNSPORTSMANLIKE​ ​
  2. Fighting or physically contacting another ​PLAYER​ in an aggressive manner is not tolerated. An offender will be ejected (RED CARD​ ​ offence) from the MATCH​ ​ and shall be removed from the tournament venue. Should an OFFICIAL​ ​ be unable to determine who initiated the Offence, all parties involved will be penalised with a ​RED CARD​ and ejected from play.
  3. Fighting between teams shall result in the discontinuation of the game. The game shall be determined a draw. No points will be awarded and both teams shall be removed from the venue at the discretion of the official.
  4. The ​OFFICIAL​ will report any ​UNSPORTSMANLIKE​ conduct to the ​COMPETITION CO-ORDINATOR​, league, or EDBF representative. Depending on the circumstances, severity, and frequency of such conduct, a team or player may be prohibited from participation in EDBF sanctioned play.
  5. An official may remove any PLAYER​ ​ or team from play at any time should their conduct be deemed UNSPORTSMANLIKE​.




Section 1. MEDIA

  1. All photographic equipment must be in possession of or carried by the photographer. No equipment can be left on the ground.
  2. A ball trapped in equipment is considered “dead” and should be returned to an ​OFFICIAL​.
  3. Media Coverage: Media authorised by the tournament ​OFFICIALS​ can be in the playing area. All media personnel must be able to move to avoid being ​HIT​ by the ball. Should they accidentally be hit, the ball becomes dead.


  1. Игрище – размер и маркировка:

1.1. Размерът на игралното поле може да варира в зависимост от размерите на спортното съоръжение. Различни варианти са отразени на диаграмата по-долу.



Маркировка и размери на игралното поле

Дължина – 17 м. (мин.16.0 м.; макс. 17.6 м.)

Ширина – 8 м.

Цетрална зона – ширина 0.6 м.

Разстояние  между централната зона и линията за връщане на топката – 4 м.

Зони за връщане на играчи – двустранно, странично

Линии за връщане на отстранени играчи в играта – на 1 м. от ограждащата мрежа на игралното поле

Отстояние на игралното поле от ограждащата мрежа- 1 м., а от страната на зоните за отстранените играчи- 2 м.


1.2. Маркировка в син цвят, ограждаща мрежа – в черен.

1.3. Маркировката на игрището е обикновено в син цвят.

1.4. Маркировката на игрището може да бъде в друг цвят когато се налага да се очертае върху вече съществуваща такава в същия цвят, или ако подът е в син цвят.

1.5. За предпочитане е черна мрежа, но се допускат мрежи и в друг цвят.

1.6. Външните линии на Централната зона не са част от игрището. Не се допуска докосване на външната линия или на линията на Централната зона по време на игра.

2. Оборудване:

2.1. Топки във всеки мач се използват три (3) топки.

2.1.1. За състезанията при мъжки и смесени отбори одобрените топки от  UKDBA/EDBF трябва да  са с диаметър 20.3  cм  (8.0 инча), напомпани до 0.126-0.14 kг/cм2 (1.8-2.0 psi).

2.1.2. За състезанията при женски отбори одобрените топки от  UKDBA/EDBF  трябва да са с диаметър 17.8 cм (7.0 инча), напомпани до 0.126-0.14 кг/cм2 (1.8-2.0 psi).

2.2. Облекло на играчите-

2.2.1. Отборните играчи трябва да играят с еднакъв екип.

2.2.2. На фланелката ясно трябва да е отбелязан номера, който е уникален за всеки играч в отбора.

2.2.3. Отборните екипи не трябва да съвпадат с тези на съдиите.

2.2.4. Обувките трябва да бъдат подходящи спортни обувки без маркировка.

2.2.5. Не се разрешава носене на ръкавици от играчите.         Защитни ръкавици, необходими при нараняване или по медицински причини за защита на кожата могат да бъдат разрешавани в случай, че играчът предостави доказателство в подкрепа на необходимостта от защитни ръкавици.

2.2.6. Наколенките са препоръчително предпазно облекло за всички играчи.

2.2.7. Не се разрешава носене на бижута и очила от играчите по време на състезание. Ако играчите носят бижута или очила, лична отговорност за всякакви повреди по тях, или причинени повреди вследствие носенето им, носи съответният играч.

3   .      Формати на мачовете:

3.1.  Отборите се състоят от 6 играчи на терена в началото на всеки гейм.

3.1.1. Общия състав на отбора може да бъде до 12 играчи.

3.1.2. Играчите могат да бъдат заменяни между геймовете.

3.2. Всеки гейм е с продължителност 3 минути.

3.3. Един мач обикновено има 5 гейма. В турнири и плейофни мачовете за елиминация в крайните етапи може да се играят 7 гейма.

3.4. Един отбор печели гейм при отстраняване на всички играчи от противниковия отбор, или ако има повече останали играчи на игрището при свирене край на играта от съдията.  Мачовете и геймовете в мачовете могат да се теглят.

3.5. При групови турнири и лиги всеки отбор добавя 2 точки на спечелен гейм към точковата таблица в лигата. Теглените мачове носат по 1 точка.

3.5.1. Например, ако един отбор спечели мач 3:2, отборът-победител получава 6 точки, а губещият отбор получава 4 точки; ако мач завърши  3:1,  с един изтеглен гейм, отборът-победител получава 7 точки, а  губещият отбор получава 3 точки.

3.5.2. При равенство в точките на отборите в група от турнир или лига в края на всички мачове, победител е отборът, който е спечелил повече мачове.

3.5.3. При равенство в точките от спечелени мачове, победител е отборът с повече спечелени геймове.

3.5.4. При равенство в точките от спечелени геймове, печели отборът, който е имал общо повече играчи на терена в края на всеки гейм от всички мачове в групата/лигата.

3.5.5. При равенство в точките от повече играчи на терена, решаващ за победителя е общия сбор на точките от прекия двубой.

3.5.6. При завършване на прекия двубой с равен брой точки, победител става отбора с повече играчи на терена от този мач.

3.5.7. При равен брой играчи на терена в края на този мач, се играе допълнителен 3-минутен мач за излъчване на победител. 

3.5.8. Общ брой точки:


Резултат от мач Точки на победителя Точки на губещия отбор
5-0 10 0
4-0 9 1
4-1/3-0 8 2
3-1/2-0 7 3
3-2/2-1/1-0 6 4
2-2/1-1/0-0 5 5

3.6. Плейофните мачове за директни елиминации се играят до спечелване на 6 точки в мач от 5 гейма, или 8 от 14 точки в мач от 7 гейма. Първият отбор, спечелил 6 от 10 точки, или 8 от 14 точки,е победител, а останалите геймове не се играят.

3.6.1. В пеките двубои, ако се тегли мач в края на  5:7 гейма, за определяне на победител се играе Извънреден  едноминутен гейм.

3.6.2. Извънредния гейм носи 1 точка към крайния резултат на победителя.  Изтеглен мач, който се решава чрез Извънреден гейм, води до резултат 6:5 или 8:7.

3.6.3. Ако в края на едноминутния Извънреден гейм двата отбора имат равен брой играчи на терена, Извънредния гейм става „Внезапна смърт”.

3.6.4. Съдията обявява „Внезапна смърт”, за да уведоми двата отбора, че времето е изтекло.

3.6.5. При Извънредна  ‘Внезапна смърт’,  първият отбор, който елиминира играч от противниковия отбор, се обявява за победител.

3.6.6. При Извънредна  ‘Внезапна смърт’, ако играч е елиминиран защото е стъпил на, или прекрачил странична, или задна линия, или линията на Централната зона, противниковият отбор печели играта.


Плейофни директни двубои


Мач 7 гейма Мач 5 гейма
Играни геймове Резултат Играни геймове Резултат
4 8-0 3 6-0
5 8-2/9-1 4 6-2/7-1
6 8-4/9-3 5 6-4/7-3
7 8-6/9-5 5+Извънреден 6-5
7+ Извънреден 8-7    

3.7. Общтото игрово време за всеки мач е приблизително 18 минути.

3.8. Отборите трябва да имат готовност да започнат всеки гейм при повикване от съдията.  Допълнително време между геймовете не е разрешено.

3.8.1. Око отбор не се яви на игралното поле при старта на първия гейм от играта,  същият губи първия гейм.

3.8.2. Ако същият отбор няма готовност да играе втория гейм в рамките на 3 минути от стартовото време на мача, губи мача.

3.8.3. Загубен мач в лига се брои за 10:0 точки и 30:0 играчи.

3.8.4. Загубен мач в директен двубой се брои за 6:0 точки и 18:0 играчи.

3.9. Отборите имат право на 1 таймаут на мач между геймовете.

3.9.1. Отборите са длъжни да информират съдията, че искат таймаут преди съдията да ги извика за следващия гейм.

3.9.2. Таймаутите са с продължителност 1 минута всеки.

3.9.3. Едноминутния таймаут започва от момента, в който капитана на отбора го поиска.

3.9.4. Треньорите на отборите се допускат на терена по време на таймаутите.

3.9.5. Когато събитие се снима за предаване на живо, официалните представители на Федерацията или на турнира могат да поискат медиен таймаут, ако това бъде поискано от медийната компания.

3.10.  Когато игралното поле и спортното съоръжение дават видимо предимство на единия отбор, отборите си разменят местата при старта на всеки следващ гейм.

3.10.1. Посоченият за отбор-домакин избира от коя страна ще играе първия гейм.

3.10.2. При игри в групи на лиги и турнири, се съставят списъци на отборите, които ще се считат за домакини.

3.10.3.  При ранен директен двубой (до, вкл. Четвърт финал), отбор-домакин е отборът, стигнал до този етап като отбор с най-добър резултат.  Ако няма определен отбор-домакин, съдията съдията го определя чрез хвърляне на чоп.  При състезания за купата, където се теглят отборите за определяне на срещите за всеки кръг, първият от двата изтеглени отбора ще бъде посочен за домакин.

3.10.4. При полуфинали и финали съдиите отпеделят отборът-домакин чрез хвърляне на чоп. Капитаните на отборите трябва да са при съдията при хвърлянето на чоп.

 4. Старт на играта:

4.1. Всеки гейм започва по сигнал на съдията.  Съдията използва свирка за обявяване старт на играта.

4.1.1.Съдията обявява старт на гейма като първо извиква „Готови” и след това изсвирва сигнал със  свирката.

4.1.2. При състезания, които използват централно и/или електронно отчитане на времето, всички отбори трябва да бъдат уведомени какъв звук ще сигнализира старта и края на  гейма .

4.2. При старта на всеки гейм всички играчи трябва да са застанали зад задната линия.

4.3. Играчите могат да докосват задната линия с всяка част на тялото си, но не могат да преминават над нея в игралното поле.

4.4. При съоръжения, които използват стени и/или бариери като задна линия, при старта на всеки гейм всички играчи трябва да досокват задната линия, независимо с коя част на тялото си.

4.5. След старта на гейма всички играчи трябва да преминат изцяло в игралното поле.

4.5.1. Играчите трябва да заемат мястото си вътре в очертанията на игралното поле след сигнала за старт на играта и преди бегачите от техния отбор да са стигнали Централната зона.

4.6. След като съдията даде сигнал за старт на гейм, най-много трима играчи могат да бягат, за да се сътезават за топките, а трима играчи остават зад Линията за връщане.

4.7. На състезаващите се играчи за топките при старта на гейм не е позволено преминаването в Централната зона

4.7.1. На състезаващите се играчи за топките при старта на гейм е позволено да докосват с ръце линията на Централната зона, която огражда тяхното игрално поле, както и Пода в очертанията на линиите на Централната зона.

4.7.2. На състезаващите се играчи за топките при старта на гейм не е позволено да осъществяват физически контакт с играчи от противниковия отбор.

4.8. При старта на гейм, ако играч или играчи започнат да тичат за топките преди съдията да е свирил старт на гейма, съдията свири и/или обявява „Фал старт”, а играчите са длъжни да се върнат на стартова позиция.

4.8.1. Ако при старт на гейм играч се затича за топките преди сигнала на съдията, но спре преди да е стигнал до Линията за връщане , съдията може да разреши играта да продължи.

4.8.2. Играч, направил повторен Фалстарт, получава предупреждение от съдията, че ще предприеме последващи действия при трето нарушение. Това може да включва забрана да тича за топката през следващия гейм  от играта, или изваждане от играта.

4.8.3. Ако съдията спре играта поради Фалстарт, времето на съответния гейм се пренастройва на 3 минути.

4.9. Когато играч спечели топката при старт на гейм, той трябва да върне топката на играч, който е в контакт с игралното поле зад Линията за връщане преди топката да „оживее”. В момента, в който топката „оживее”, могат да се правят „Опити”.

4.9.1. Отборът спечелил повечето топки има максимално 5 секунди от момента, в който я спечели зад Линията на връщане, да прави „Опити” с „живите” топки.

4.10.  В очертанията на Защитната бариера/Мрежа по време на игра е разрешено да бъдат само играчите, които са активни в играта, официални лица на мача и посочени служители. Треньорите на отборите и резервните играчи трябва да останат извън тази зона.

 5. По време на играта:

5.1. Маркировка на игралното поле

5.1.1. По време на играта линиите очертават границите на половините на игралното поле за всеки отбор.

5.1.2. Ако играч докосне ограничителна линия, или повърхност извън страничните очертания на половина от игралното поле на своя отбор , задна линия, или линията на Централната зона, той е аут.

5.1.3. Играчите трябва да останат през цялото време в очертанията, които маркират тяхната половина от игралното поле.

5.2. Играчите, които са аут:

5.2.1. Играчите, които са аут, трябва да отидат до Зоната за връщане на играчи, която е маркирана на пода от страната на половината на техния отбор.

5.2.2. Когато играч е аут, той вече не е активна част от играта.

5.2.3. При напускането на игралното поле той няма право умишлено да отклонява посоката на движение на топката , независимо дали та е „жива” или „мъртва”.

5.2.4. Няма право да подава стационарна топка на никой от „живите” играчи.

5.2.5. Няма право да опитва да спре „Опит” на противниковия отбор. При умишлено спиране на „Опит”  на противниковия отбор, получава дисциплинарно наказание от съдията.

5.3.    Връщане на топки, които са напуснали игралното поле:

5.3.1. Играчите, които са аут, имат право да връщат топки на своите съотборници.

5.3.2. При тези случаи играчите, които са аут, нямат право да преминават отвъд линията на Централната зона, очертаваща  половината от игралното поле на техния отбор.

5.3.3. При опитите си да върнат топки на своя отбор играчите, които са аут, трябва да стоят от страната на игралното поле, обозначен като Зона за връщане на играчи.

5.3.4. Играч, който все още е вътре, трябва да поиска разрешение от обслужващия мача персонал да върне топка от извън игралното поле.

5.3.5. Играчи, връщати топки от извън игралното поле,  имат право или да носят топката обратно до корта, или да я хвърлят обратно на игралното поле  преди да се върнат в играта.

5.3.6. След връщане на топката играчите трябва да се върнат  незабавно на игралното поле.

5.3.7. Играчите трябва да се върнат на игралното поле  като прекрачат задната линия.

5.3.8.Играчите трябва да се върнат в играта в задната част на игралното поле, ако е използвана бариера или стена вместо задна линия.

5.3.9. Съдията свири „аут” на играч, който се забави да се върне в игралното поле след връщане на топка от зоната извън игралното поле.

5.3.10.  При излизане от игралното поле за връщане на топка, играчите нямат право да задържат „жива” топка.

5.3.11.  Играч, който задържи „жива” топка при излизане от игралното поле за връщане ще бъде „аут”.

5.3.12.  Когато играч поиска разрешение да излезе извън игралното поле за връщане на топка, същият не е „жива” мишена от момента, в който е пристъпил извън игралното поле до връщането си на него.

5.4. Има няколко начина, при които играч се счита за „аут”:

5.4.1. Отборите отстраняват противниковите играчи като ги уцелят с топка  с директно хвърляне, т.е. топката не е отскочила от някаква повърхност. Хвърляне към противниковия отбор се нарича „Опит”. Играч е аут когато коя да е част от тялото му е улучена при „Опит”. По време на игра облеклото на играча се счита за част от тялото му.

5.4.2. Когато играч улови „опит” на противников играч, хвърлящия е аут, а уловилия играч връща в игра един от своите съотборници, който е бил аут. (виж7.)

5.4.3. Играчите са аут когато стъпят на, или прекрачат ограничителните очертания на тяхната половина от игралното поле, освен ако нямат официално разрешение за връщане на топка, която е излязла извън игра.

5.4.4. Играчите могат да бъдат извадени в аут от съдията, ако псуват или се държат обидно към противников играч, зрител, или обслужващия персонал.

5.4.5. Играчите ще бъдат изваждани в аут при нарушаване на Правилото за петте секунди. (виж 5.7)

5.4.6. Играчите ще бъдат изваждани в аут ако не направят валиден „Опит” когато техния отбор води (виж 5.7.5)

5.4.7. Съдията има право да извади играч в аут и по друга причина, различна от упоменатите по-горе.

5.5. Нарушаване на Правилото за Петте секунди:

5.5.1. Когато водещият отбор (това е отборът с повече играчи на терена към момента) държи две или три топки, той има пет секунди да направи „опит” с втората и третата топка, които държи..

5.5.3. При равен брой играчи на терена, отборът, който държи повечето топки, се счита за водач.

5.5.4. Ако играчите не успеят да направят „опит” към противниковия отбор в рамките на пет секунди, всички играчи, които държат топки се изваждат от съдията в аут.

5.5.5. Водещият отбор трябва да направи „опити”, които да извадят играч от противниковия отбор в аут. Тези „опити” трябва да бъдат признати за валидни от съдията.

 6. Подавания:

6.1. Играчите имат право да направят подаване на топката към съотборник по всяко време.

6.2. Ако играч от водещия отбор направи подаване към съотборник, това не води до рестарт на Петте секунди задържание. Задържането на тази топка ще се счита за непрекъснато.

7. Блокада:

7.1.  Играч може да използва топката, която държи, за да блокира топка,хвърлена от другия отбор.

7.2. Ако играч, използващ топка за блокиране на хвърлена топка, не успее да задържи напълно и да контролира блокиращата топка през цялото време, изгуби пълен контрол и направи неуспешен опит с топката, която държат, или изпусне топката, която използва за блокаж, се изважда в аут.

7.3. Когато играч използва топка, за да блокира хвърлена топка, ръцете, които държат топката се считат за част от топката.

7.4. След контакта с блокиращата топка блокираната топка вече не е „жива”.

 8. Опити:

8.1. „Опит” се нарича хвърляне към противников играч, при което улученият играч се изважда в аут.

8.2. Удрянето и захващането на топката с ръка НЕ се счита за Опит.

8.3. Топкането на топката в пода с ръка НЕ се счита за Опит.

8.4. Ритането на топката НЕ се счита за Опит.

8.5. Не се счита Опит когато играч хвърля топката, като защипва външната кожа на топката между палеца и пръстите, или пъха пръсти под горната кожа на топката, което може да я повреди.

8.6. Играчите се изваждат в аут за всякакви хвърляния на топката по въздуха към отсрещната страна на игралното поле, различни от тези, признати за „Опит”.

9. Хващания:

9.1. Когато играч хване Опит на играч от противниковия отбор, хвърлящия е аут и някой от съотборниците на хваналия Опита има право да се върне в играта от Зоната за връщане на играчи.

9.2. Връщащият играч/и трябва да се върнат в играта като пристъпят през задната линия.

9.3. Ако вместо задна линия за игралното поле е използвано ограждение или стена, играчите трябва да се върнат в играта в задната част на игралното поле. При връщането си в играта те трябва да осъществят контакт със стената или ограждението от вътрешната страна на ограничителните линии в задната част на полето.

9.4. Играчите са длъжни да се връщат в играта по реда на излизането си в аут на принципа първи вън-първи вътре.

9.5. При опит да хване хвърлена топка, играчът има право да отбие топката, но тя не бива да докосва друг играч, друга топка, повърхност или предмет след първоначалния контакт на играча с топката.

9.6. Хващането не се счита за пълно докато играчът няма пълен контрол върху хванатата топка в ръцете си.

9.7. Ако играч стане аут в момента на хващане, преди да има пълен контрол върху хванатата топка, хващането не се брои.

9.8. Когато играч скочи, за да хване топка, той трябва да се приземи вътре в ограничителните линии на игралното си поле, за да се зачете хващането за успешно.

9.9. Разрешено е изпускане на задържана топка при опит да се хване хвърлена топка.

 10. Спасяване:

10.1. Ако играч е улучен при Опит от противниковия отбор, и негов съотборник хване топката, която го е улучила, той се спасява от аут.

10.2. За да се зачете спасяването за валидно, топката трябва бъде хваната след като се е ударила в уцеления играч, но преди да е докоснала друг играч, повърхност или предмет, независимо дали този предмет е в играта или не.

10.3. Само един играч има право  на контакт с топката при опит да спаси улучен съотборник.

10.4. Ако друг играч се опита да спаси улучен играч и докосне топката, но втори съотборник хване топката, улученият играч е аут. Ако двама играчи кванат топката едновременно при опит да спасят съотборник, улученият играч НЕ е спасен.

10.5.  При спасяване не се връщат играчи от Зоната за връщане в игра.

10.6.  Спасяване не изважда хвърлящия от играта.


11. Контузии:

11.1.  Съдията спира играта при контузия на играч.

11.2.  Контузен играч може да бъде заменен.

11.3.  Ако играч кърви, той ТРЯБВА да бъде заменен. Контузен играч не може да се връща на терена до следващия гейм на мача и кървенето трябва да е спряно преди връщането му на терена.

11.4. Отчитането на времето се спира от съдията при спиране на играта поради контузия.


 12. Честна игра:

12.1. Играчите са длъжни да се подчиняват на Правилника за честна игра.

12.2. Всички играчи трябва да се съобразяват максимално с Правилника за честна игра през цялото време на състезателната игра.

12.3. Ако играч  остане на терена след като е аут, и чака да бъде извикан в аут, това се счита за нарушаване на Правилника за честна игра.

12.4. Незачитането на Правилника за честна игра се счита за неспортсменско поведение;  при първо нарушение играчите получават предупреждение, а при всяко следващо нарушение съдията налага дисциплинарно наказание.


 13. Поведение по време на игра:

13.1.  Кодекс за поведение на играчите на Европейската Федерация по Народна топка (EDBF)

13.1.1. Да разбира, оценява и се подчинява на Правилника на играта.

13.1.2. Да уважава почтеността и преценката на служителита на EDBF и на организаторите на играта.

13.1.3. Да уважава противника и да го поздравява любезнослед всеки мач, независимо дали е спечелил или загубил.

13.1.4. Да носи отговорност за своите действия и да упражнява самоконтрол.

13.1.5. Да не се подиграва или обижда противника и да се въздържа от обиден език.

13.2.   От играчите се очаква да се подчиняват на Правилника за честна игра.

13.2.1. Съгласно Правилника за честна игра, от играчите се очаква да се подчиняват в най-голяма степен на честност и спортсменство по всяко време на състезателна игра.

13.2.2. Всяко оставане на  играч на терена след като е ясно, че е аут и чакане да бъде извикан в аут се счита за нарушение на Правилника за честно поведение.

13.2.3.Това е неспортсменско поведение; играчите получават предупреждение за изваждане от играта за гейм и/или цял мач, в случай че не се държат по очаквания начин повече от веднъж по време на събитието.

13.3.  При неприемливо поведение съдиите налагат дисциплинарно наказание срещу нарушителя/ите или отбора/отборите.

13.4.  Ритане на топката не се допуска.

13.4.1. Съдията налага дисциплинарно наказание на играч, който е ритнал топката със сила по посока на участниците в играта, организаторите на мача, или друго лице.

13.4.2. Всяко ритане на топката към противниковата страна води до изваждане на играча в аут от съдията.

13.4.3. Воденето на топката с крак или лекото и подритване към съотборник не се счита за ритане на топката.

13.4.4. На играчите се разрешава спирането с крак на топка , която се връща в мача.

13.5. По време на мача не се разрешава умишлено осъществяване на физически контакт с играчи на противниковия отбор.

13.6. Не е разрешено обиждане на противниковия отбор или играчи.

13.6.1. Подвикване на име или псуване към противниковия отбор се счита за обида.

13.6.2. Подвикване към играчи от противниковия отбор да излязат когато играчът или отбора мислят, че те са аут, се счита за обида.

13.6.3. Подвикване към играчи от противниковия отбор да хвърлят топката поради изтичане на времето за задържане се счита за обида.


14. Дисциплинарни наказания:

14.1. Съдиите налагат дисциплинарни наказания срещу отбори и играчи по своя преценка. Съдията е длъжен да информира капитана на отбора за всички наложени наказания срещу неговия играч /и и/или отбор.

14.2. Първият етап на дисциплинарно наказание  обикновено е устно предупреждение от страна на съдията към отделен играч или целия отбор.

14.3. Вторият етап на дисциплинарно наказание е записване на Жълт картон от съдията.

14.3.1. Съдията показва Жълтия картон на нарушителя и записва името и състезателния номер на нарушителя.

14.3.2. Наказаният играч се изважда от играта за гейма, по време на който е направено нарушението и за следващия гейм, независимо дали то е част от същата игра, или следваща игра.

14.3.3. Извадените от игра нарушители не могат да бъдат заменяни и на тяхно място не могат да се вкарват заместници. Това означава, че техния отбор ще трябва да играе с по-малко играчи по време на дисциплинарното наказание.

14.4. Третият етап на дисциплинарно наказание е записване на Червен картон от съдията.

14.4.1. Съдията показва Червен картон на нарушителя и записва името и състезателния му номер.

14.4.2. Наказаният играч се изважда от играта за всички останали геймове на мача, по време на който е регистрирано нарушението.

14.4.3. Наказаните играчи  нямат право да участват в следващите мачове от турнира, по време на които са получили Червен картон.

14.4.4. По време на мача, в който е регистрирано наказанието, извадените играчи не могат да бъдат заменяни, или на тяхно място да влиза друг.Това означава, че техният отбор ще играе с по-малко играчи във оставащите геймове от мача.

14.4.5. Ако се даде Червен картон след приключване на последния гейм на мача, нарушителят няма право да бъде заменян за 3(три) гейма от следващия мач.

14.5.  Съдията има право да пропусне някое от гореописаните в т. 13.2-13.4  дисциплинарни наказания, ако  действията на играча или отбора налагат такова решение.

14.6.  Всички наложени от съдията дисциплинарни наказания могат да бъдат обжалвани в писмена форма след турнира, по време на който са били наложени. На първа инстанция жалбите трябва да се внесат пред Дисциплинарната комисия на Европейската Федерация по Народна Топка.

14.7. Не се приемат жалби по време на турнира, по време на който е наложено дисциплинарното наказание.



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Ник Пинок – Президент на Европейската Федерация по Народна Топка

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